3-port, 4=4-Port3-Stage:A=Type A, B= Type B4-Axis Alignment:F=Slow axis working, Fast axis blocked5-Pigtail Type:0=250μm bare fiber, 1=900μm loose tube6-Fiber Length:0=0.8m,1=1m7-Connector Type:0=FC/UPC,1=FC/APC,2=SC/UPC,3=SC/APC,4=LC/UPC,5=LC/APC...
Specification ParameterUnitSpecification Operating Wavelength Rangenm1525~1565 Insertion Loss(1==>2 or 2==>3)dB≤0.7(P Grade), ≤0.9(A Grade) Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL)dB≤0.1 Isolation...
Description: Gold Photonics polarization insensitive optical circulator utilizes proprietary designs and metal bonding micro optical packaging. It provides low insertion loss, broad band high isolation, low PDL, excellent temperature stability and optical path epoxy free. It can be used for wavelength add/dro...