产品特点The Plano Convex Lenses are made from Fused Silica material. It presents a curved interface and a planar interface. They are for instance the microlenses situated on top of a wafer, but can also encountered in macroscopic optical systems. Their asymmetrical nature influences their properties of bendin...
产品特点A cylindrical lens is a lens which focuses light into a line instead of a point, as a spherical lens would. The curved face or faces of a cylindrical lens are sections of a cylinder, and focus the image passing through it into a line parallel to the intersection of the surface of the lens and a plane ...
产品特点The Plano Convex Lenses are made from CaF2 material. It presents a curved interface and a planar interface. They are for instance the microlenses situated on top of a wafer, but can also encountered in macroscopic optical systems. Their asymmetrical nature influences their properties of bending t...
产品特点The Plano Concave Lenses are made from BK7 material, which are manufactured with one concave surface and one plane surface. These lenses have negative focal lengths. These lenses diverge collimated incident light. They form virtual images which are seen through the lens. They are often used to expand ...
产品特点An axicon lens is a specialized type of lens which has a conical surface. An axicon images a point source into a line along the optic axis, or transforms a laser beam into a ring. It can be used to turn a Gaussian beam into an approximation to a Bessel beam, with greatly reduced diffraction. Axicons l...
波片种类(相位延迟度) 二分之一波片(半波片) 线偏振光通过二分之一波片后,仍为线偏振光,但是,其合振动的振动面与入射线偏振光的振动面转过2θ。若θ=45°,则出射光的振动面与原入射光的振动面垂直,也就是说,当θ=45°时,二分之一波片可以使偏振态旋转90°。光骅达二分之一波片还可以和PBS配合使用,旋转二分之一波片,...
2004nm DFB Light Source 应用: FBG光纤传感系统光纤通信光无源器件测试光谱分析 FBG光纤传感系统光纤通信 特点:具有高精度的ATC和APC控制电路高的稳定性和可靠性很窄的光谱&...
锁模光纤激光器锁模光纤激光器的结构一般由半导体激光器(泵浦源),掺杂光纤(增益介质),谐振腔(一般为F-P谐振腔或环形谐振腔),输出耦合器和锁模调制器构成,其中与一般光纤激光器不同且最重要的便是锁模调制器。特性Ø 光谱线宽小于300kHzØ 高边模抑制比Ø 高频率稳定性,无跳模Ø 低相对强度噪...
手动光延迟线 产品应用领域独特的延迟机械装置,连续可靠工作 宽延迟范围,并可按用户要求定制 延迟精度高,可达到ps数量级 高可靠性 较低的偏振相关损耗(<0.1dB) ...
参数规格工作波长C波段 、L波段、 C+L波段.或其它波长 延迟范围0~100 ps 0~330 ps 0~700 ps 0~1500ps 分辨率0.05ps 插入耗损典型.0.8dB,最大1.2dB 插入损耗变化±0.25dB 对应0-100PS模块 ±0.35 dB 对应0-330PS模块 ±0.55 dB 对应0-700PS模块 ±1.5 dB 对应0...