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首页 > 包含“BAN”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 985 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [其它光无源器件] 8CH CWDM波分复用器 机架式

      日期:2012-05-21 08:51:15点击:2488

      Performance Parameter 4 Channel 8 Channel 16Channel Center Wavelength (nm) 1270~1610 or 1271~1611 Center Wavalength Accuracy (nm) ±0.5 Channel Spacing (nm) 20 Channel PassBANd (@-0.5dB BANdwidth) (nm) ±7.5 Insertion Loss (dB) ≤1.7 ≤3.0 ≤5....

    • [其它光无源器件] 8CH CWDM波分复用器 ABS盒式 1470-1610nm

      日期:2012-05-21 08:51:02点击:3011

        Parameter             4 Channel 8 Channel 16Channel Center Wavelength (nm) 1270~1610 or 1271~1611 Center Wavalength Accuracy (nm) ±0.5 Channel Spacing (nm) 20 Channel PassBANd (@-0.5dB BANdwid...

    • [其它光无源器件] 1*2CWDM 单器件

      日期:2012-05-21 08:50:45点击:4575

      Parameters Specification Unit Pass Channel 1270-1610 nm (Upgrade port) 1270-1620 except pass channel nm Channel Spacing 20 nm Channel PassBANd λc + 7.5 (minimum) nm PassBANd Ripple ≤ 0.3 nm Insertion Loss pass BANd ≤ 0.6 dB ...

    • [其它生产测试] CWDM、DWDM器件/模块自动化测试系统(光谱分析仪网络共享)

      日期:2012-05-11 12:17:56点击:3352

      CWDM光器件/模块测试解决方案(设备共享) 主要功能: 1、使用一套宽带光源和光谱分析仪,加上光开关,供四个(或四个以上)测试工位时分复用执行测试; 功能类似于办公室打印机共享原理,充分利用光源和光谱分析仪的低利用率2、兼容CWDM器件和模块扫描测试3、自动计算ITU IL、Min IL、Max IL、TDL、Uniformity、CWL、BANdwidth 、Iso...

    • [其它生产测试] AWG自动化测试系统(设备共享方案)

      日期:2012-05-11 12:16:58点击:2395

      AWG自动化测试系统(设备共享方案) 针对可调光源,偏振控制器,功率计等昂贵设备进行网络共享。在不影响测试效率的前提下,把一套设备分成4个以上的工位使用,大大降低硬件投入和测试成本。 自动计算ITU IL、Min IL、Max IL、TDL、Uniformity、CWL、BANdwidth 、Isolation等参数 根据预设定的规格,自动判定测试结果,自动标识不合...

    • [光源] HP/Agilent 8164B+81642B可调光源

      日期:2012-05-08 08:56:39点击:4518

      BANd. It is optimized for testing optical amplifiers at high stimulus power, and passive components. Agilent "A" Tunable Laser Sources can be upgraded. The 81642B works in both DWDM BANds (C- and L-BANd). It has continuous sweep through full wavelength range, 4 complete spectral BANds (E-, S-, C-, and L- BANd...

    • [其它光无源器件] 波分复用器 WDM

      日期:2012-05-08 08:50:18点击:2353

      Primanex Pump-WDM components use mature thin-film interference filter technology to separate or combine pump laser and optical signals. With wide BANdwidth, low insertion loss, high isolation, and low temperature dependent loss, they are ideal for use in optical amplifier and CATV applications. ...

    • [其它光无源器件] 波分复用器

      日期:2012-04-24 11:08:36点击:2287

      BANd (nm) 通道带宽 ITU±6.5 Operating Wavelength (nm) 工作波长 1460~1620 or 1260~1620 Channel Space (nm) 通道间隔 20 Fiber Type光纤类型 SMF-28e or customer specified IL (dB)  (P/A Grade) 等级 0.7/1.0 1.4/1.7 2.0/2.5 3.5/4.0 Isolation (dB) 隔离度 Adjace...

    • [OSA组件] 10G APD ROSA

      日期:2012-03-15 15:26:16点击:6213

      BANd RF gain block * XFP/300pin MSA optical transceiver ◆Description this ROSA is a low-cost receiver module with a miniaturized size for use in the XFP/300pin MSA optical transceiver and is assembled with LC receptacle by high power Nd-YAG laser welding method. It guarantees high sensitivity and low devia...

    • [光分路器/光耦合器] 光分路器 分支器 耦合器 拉锥 Coupler

      日期:2012-03-15 11:31:16点击:4367

      BANdwidth 1310±40、1490±40和1550±40 附加损耗(dB) Excess Loss ≤ 0.07 ≤0.1 插入损耗(dB) Insertion Loss 50/50 ≤3.6 ≤3.8 40/60 ≤4.7/2.7 ≤4.9/2.9 30/70 ≤6.0/1.9 ≤6.3/2.1 20/80 ≤7.9/1.2 ≤8.4/1.4 10/90 ≤11.3/0.65 ≤12.0/0.8 5/95 ≤14.6/0.4 ≤15.5/0.5 3/97 ≤17.5/0.35 ≤17.8/0.45 2/98 ≤18.8/0.3 ≤19.5/...

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