CITT 0.151 223-1 prbs。33.0 MHz 至 3.0000 GHz跃变时间典型值 <60 ps1 ps 分辨率, 使用GPIB可以达到350 fs抖动典型值 <1 ps可选第2个脉冲通道可选数据和 PRBS 能力所有输入和输出为 SMA (f) 3.5 mm 连接器寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...
To accommodate transmission of large-capaCITy information in the coming multimedia generation, ultra high-speed digital telecommunications networks are being constructed. For evaluation and analysis of O/E and E/O modules and ultra high-speed logic devices used for multiplexers and repeaters for telecomm...
FLUKE 80K-8 高压探头 可将交、直流电压表的电压测量范围扩展到6000V,内部的1000:1分压器具有很高的输入阻抗,当与输入阻抗为10MΩ的数字电压表配用时可以得到较高的准确度。高强塑料外壳保证操作人员的安全。 电压范围:0~6KV,直流或交流峰值 输入阻抗:75MΩ 分压倍率:1000:...
Electricians know that when you are measuring electrical installations there often appears to be a voltage, even if you know the wires are non energized. This is called stray or ghost voltages and is caused by the capaCITy between wires. Because of the very high impedance input of the meter, this stray voltag...
针对恶劣环境的现场应用优化设计工程化设计,经测试可承受 2 米(6.5 英尺)的跌落 - 您上次将工具掉在地上是什么时间?防尘、防水 - IP54 防护等级提供快速发现故障所需的清晰、锐利图像卓越的热灵敏度(NETD)可发现极其细微的温度差异(很可能预示着故障)直观、使用简单的3按键菜单 - 用一个大拇指轻松实现导览工具包提供了工...
CITy for frequency spectrum analysis.Keithley 2015-P Features:THD, THD+Noise, and SINAD measurements20Hz-20kHz sine wave generatorFast frequency sweeps2015-P, 2016-P: Identifies peak spectral components2015, 2015-P: 4Vrms single-ended or 8Vrms differential outputIndividual harmonic magnitude measurements5 sta...
CITance: stable into 20,000 pF typicalConnectors: outputs 3-lug triaxial; trigger Input/Output: BNC(f)IEEE-488 interface寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...
CITT,rms) <249 MHz:<7 Hz,典型值<4 Hz; 单边带相位噪声(在20 KHz偏移处的典型值) 在fc=500 MHz处:<-120 dBc/Hz;在fc=3000 MHz处:<-106 dBc/Hz 在fc=1000 MHz处:<-116 dBc/Hz;在fc=4000 MHz处:<-104 dBc/Hz 在fc=2000 MHz处:<-110 dBc...
CITy driving 电子驱动 Non-latching非锁定 Pin1 Pin10 V+ GND GND V+ State 状态 Non-latching非锁定 Pin2-3, Pin8-9 open Pin2-3, Pin8-9 close Pin3-4, Pin7-8 close Pin3-4, Pin7-8 open 型号B Op...
Part NoEOF-SC/PC/MM/N(W)外径 Outer diameterΦ2.499±0.001同心度 ConcentriCITy≦0.004内径 Inner diameterΦ0.125Φ0.126插针长度 Ferrule length10.5±0.05曲率半径 End Curve20(+5,-10) Part NoEOF-SC/SM/APC/N(W)EOF-LC/SM/N(W)外径 Outer diameterΦ2.499±0.0005Φ1.249±0.0005同心度 ConcentriCITy≦0.0007≦0....