CTS300MHz 模拟示波器 Tektronix 2466350MHz 模拟示波器 Tektronix 2466B400MHz 模拟示波器 Tektronix 2467350MHz 模拟示波器 Tektronix 2467B400MHz 示波器 Tektronix 2467BHD400MHZ示波器 Agilent HP 54100A1GHz 数字化示波器 Agilent HP 54100D1GHz数字示波器 Agilent HP 54110B数字化示波器 Agilent HP 54111D500MHz 2GS...
1 Slot Series...The 1 Slot accommodates a full length PCI card. The system operates on a 12-volt DC power. When equipped with a GL OC-3 / STM-1 card, this unit enables analyzing, testing, simulating, and monitoring OC-3 / STM-1 and STS-1/STM-0 signals. The 1 Slot Expansion System easily conneCTS to a PC lapto...
CTS, makes GL's Ultra OC-3 / STM-1 Analyzer a complete SONET and SDH testing solution. It is ideally suited for installation, maintenance, commissioning, verification and manufacturing of SONET/SDH transport networks and network equipments. 本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常...
概述电信和有线服务提供商在监控和管理其运营网络方面面临诸多挑战。Anue Net Tool Optimizer® (NTO) 5273 是一个电信级、获得NEBS 3 级认证的解决方案,可帮助服务提供商实现最佳的网络性能,同时满足不断增长的移动和视频内容对带宽日益增长的需求。Anue NTO 5273 聚合了网络中来自多个网络接入点的数据,并确保为必要监控工具...
CTS the quality of the feed-through filters that guide data and power cabling into the chamber.本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村路221号8楼TEL:0755-86641139联系人,王先生:13715327187 田先生:181239...
应用鉴定从25 GHZ DWDM到CWDM的所有通道间隔ROADM和40 Gbit/s测试智能带内OSNR ROADM测试 主要功能市场上首个第三方40G/100G Pol-Mux OSNR选件;符合目前的IEC 61282-12标准为40 Gbit/s和ROADM部署提供智能的带内OSNR测量自动发现损伤,以加快故障诊断符合ITU-T G.697建议规范支持一键操作,轻松完成设置和自动测量提供快速、经...
QSFP+ is a hot-pluggable high-density transceiver which provides 4 channels of traffic in each direction (Tx and Rx). QSFP+ supports up to 10.5 Gb/s per channel for applications such as 40G Ethernet and InfiniBand 4xQDR. Both multimode and single mode versions of the QSFP+ module are available, as well as QSF...
FunctionalityThe IQview test system is expressly designed to test WLAN produCTS, including network interface cards, access points, andembedded components.The IQview test system’s VSA capability replaces traditional spectrum analyzers and power meters, enabling the user to analyzea device under test’s transm...
104-pin male D-sub connector kit that contains two male D-sub connectors with housings and 208 solder-cup contaCTS. Use for assembly of custom cable and harnesses compatible with Series 3700A plug-in cards.For use with: 3722本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系...