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    共搜索到 4752 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [] Bidi Fiber Optic Transceiver 1.25G

      日期:2009-06-01 00:00:00点击:971

      ChNOLOGY CO., LTD Add:5/F,No.5 Building,Yuanzheng industrial park,North of Wuhe Av., Longgang District,shenzhen,China. Tel: +86-755-83461686 83461606 83461605 Fax: +86-755-83461640 MSN:hellofanwei@hotmail.com http://www.atopteChnology.com http://www.atop-sfp.com 深圳市华拓技术有限公司 ...

    • [] 10G误码测试仪

      日期:2009-06-01 00:00:00点击:924

      China, as well as the expansion of its national sales team to meet the growing demand from their customers. Centellax made the decision to open an office in China, because of an increase of business opportunities in the region. “Having a full-time presence there will improve communication and our ability...

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