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首页 > 包含“Channel”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 503 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [波分复用器件] 深圳易捷通光电 Speed Photon Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer DWDM

      日期:2018-05-05 16:16:09点击:3541

      Channel configurations. Optical performance is excellent with low insertion loss and excellent temperature stability. Performance Specification Parameter Unit 8Channel Center Wavelength nm ITU Grid Channel Spacing GHz 100 200 ...

    • [功率计] 低价大量出售keysight81635A 81635B功率计模块

      日期:2018-03-21 17:17:55点击:2629

      低价大量出售keysight81635A 81635B功率计模块 Agilent 81635A 双光功率传感器The Agilent 81635A provides two power sensor Channels in a single-slot module for reduced footprint in multiChannel measurement setups.Agilent81635A 主要特性与技术指标 ?<±0.015 dB 偏振相关性·±3% 功率不确定度·高达 62.5 μm 内核大...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售维修keysight81618A,81619A百分百修复好

      日期:2018-01-10 09:10:56点击:3108

      Channel optionDescription Interface Modules ( 安捷伦 Agilent 81618A )Following optical heads are used with these interfaces:81623B Ge, +10dBm to -80dBm81624B 5mm InGaAs, +10dBm to -90dBm81626B InGaAs, +27 dBm to - 70 dBm81628B InGaAs, +40 dBm to - 60 dBmThe single-Channel interface module is used to connect o...

    • [光开关] D1X2单模机械式光开关

      日期:2017-08-07 09:51:36点击:2049

      【特点】 • Unmatched Low Cost• Low Insertion Loss                     • High Channel Isolation              •...

    • [其它光无源器件] OptiX8000-EDFA业务卡

      日期:2017-06-09 15:07:45点击:1601

      Channel 1546 1561 nm 32波 32 Channel 1535 1562 40波 40 Channel 1528 1565 输入功率 功率放大器 OBA -14 -5 dBm 前置放大器 OPA -38 -5 输出功率 23 dBm 增益 14 33 dB 噪声指数 功率放大器 OBA 5.0 ...

    • [其它生产测试] 销售D3186 脉冲图形发生器

      日期:2016-12-27 15:55:39点击:1631

      The Advantest D3186 is a Pulse Pattern Generator.Excellent waveform qualityGeneration of SDH/SONET frame patterns (mixed patterns) which are close to actual data8M-bit memory, 31 stages for PRBSMulti-Channel output : 2 data Channels, 3 clock Channels, and 7 sub-rate ChannelsCross point variable for output wav...

    • [频谱分析仪] 泰克11801C 模拟示波器

      日期:2016-12-22 10:58:16点击:4155

      Channels, Expandable to 136 (with SM-11 multiChannel units)High Resolution and Measurement Repeatability10-Femtosecond Sampling Interval (0.01 ps)Modular ArchitectureDual-Timebase Allows Multiple WindowsFFTPredefined Telecom MasksTrue Dual-Step Differential TDRFully Automatic Jitter and Noise MeasurementsAuto...

    • [其它生产测试] 安立MP1570A误码仪

      日期:2016-12-22 10:41:42点击:1389

      Channel Drop Unit - MN9320A)寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...

    • [其它生产测试] 销售安捷伦 8133A 时序发生器

      日期:2016-12-19 14:35:03点击:958

      主要特性与技术指标33 MHz to 3 GHzTransitions typically < 60 psJitter typically <1 psOptional second pulse ChannelOptional data and PRBS capabilitiesAll inputs and outputs are SMA (f) 3.5 mm connectors描述对于时序是关键的应用,评测数字产品的能力将始于和终于测试信号的精确边沿放置。33MHz至3GHz的Keysight 81...

    • [其它生产测试] 爱德万TQ8215 光功率计

      日期:2016-12-14 10:29:21点击:980

      Advantest TQ8215 General InformationProduct Description:Optical Power MultimeterAdvantest TQ8215 Performance CharacteristicsForm FactorBenchtopNumber of Channels1 chAdvantest TQ8215 Measurements/FeaturesMeas temp,VDC,DC curr & resistSampling at 10 times/sWavlngth Senstvty Compens FuncPeak Power Measuremen...