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首页 > 包含“Channel”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 501 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦 81618A 接口模块

      日期:2016-09-28 08:36:29点击:1274

      主要特性与技术指标fully compatible with all 8152x and 8162x Optical Headsfits in all 8163/8164/8166-seriesFlexibility through 1- and 2- Channel option寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...

    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦 81689A 可调激光

      日期:2016-09-28 08:34:25点击:916

      主要特性与技术指标Specially designed for the C-BandSaturating optical amplifiers for dense-WDM transmission systemsConfiguring multi-Channel test beds for DWDM transmission systemsContinuous sweep through full wavelength range描述Keysight 81689A压缩可调激光专为C波段而设计。它允许用户的测试系统在测试DWDM无源元...

    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦 8163A万用表

      日期:2016-09-27 17:39:40点击:906

      Key Features & SpecificationsDisplay: Graphical Display, 190 x 300 points, monochromeDisplay Resolution: 0.0001dB/dBm, 0.01pW to 10pWTrigger: true synchronous on all ChannelsSupports modules of the 816xxx and 815xxx seriesDescriptionThe Keysight 8163A lightwave multimeter is a basic measurement tool that ...

    • [其它生产测试] 力科 8500A数字示波器

      日期:2016-09-01 17:23:29点击:1091

      Features: High bandwidth from 4 GHz to 6 GHz Fast sampling speeds-to 20 GS/s on 4 Channels Full sampling speed maintained over entire memory length Standard memory 10 Mpts/Ch High signal integrity with an SiGe amplifier, ADC, and trigger circuit Intuitive GUI for easier WaveShape Analysis 10-100 time...

    • [其它生产测试] Anritsu/MP1763C 码型发生器

      日期:2016-09-01 11:13:59点击:1142

      ChannelLow FM/PM-noise clock generatorDifferential inputs1/8 parallel output standard, with available options for either 1/4 parallel output or 1/4 differential output8 Mbit programmable pattern corresponding to six frames of STM-64/ STS-192Complementary outputs for both data and clockSettable ampli...

    • [其它生产测试] Newport 1930C 光功率计

      日期:2016-09-01 11:10:05点击:1674

      1930-C - Newport Optical Power MetersThe 1930-C Single-Channel and 2930-C Dual-Channel Optical Power Meters deliver affordable high-performance for Scientific R&D and Telecom/Datacom laser power measurement applications.Used as a bench-top test station or integrated into an automated measurement...

    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦 54121A 示波器

      日期:2016-08-15 10:14:05点击:1053

      Channels: 4chINTERNAL ATTENUATION5% REFLECTIONTRIGGERED MODEFREE RUN MODEHIGH FREQ REJECT寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...

    • [其它生产测试] Anritsu/MP1763C 码型发生器

      日期:2016-08-13 16:53:57点击:1586

      ChannelLow FM/PM-noise clock generatorDifferential inputs1/8 parallel output standard, with available options for either 1/4 parallel output or 1/4 differential output8 Mbit programmable pattern corresponding to six frames of STM-64/ STS-192Complementary outputs for both data and clockSettable ampli...

    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦437B信号发生器

      日期:2016-08-13 15:55:14点击:900

      描述The Keysight 437B power meter is a low-cost, high-performance, single-Channel, programmable, average power meter compatible with the 8480 family of power sensors. Depending on which power sensor is used, the 437B can measure from -70 dBm (100pW) to +44 dBm (25W) at frequencies from 100 kHz to 110 GHz.Desi...

    • [其它类别] Tektronix TLA715 逻辑分析仪

      日期:2016-08-01 16:47:22点击:1005

      Channels all the time through the same probeSimultaneous state and high speed timing analysis through the same probes pinpoints elusive faultsBroad processor and bus support universal source code support for correlating high-level language source with real-time tracePerformance analysis support for optimizing...