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    共搜索到 3713 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [] 供应各种光纤熔接机/OTDR显示屏

      日期:2009-06-01 00:00:00点击:577

      DO AQ7250,AQ7260,AQ7270,AQ7275,EXFO FTB-100,FTB-200,FTB-150,FTB-300,FTB-400; 深圳市丰信科技有限公司 Tel:0755-21572868 QQ:402549364 Mobil:13713904196 张生 Email:victor@fonsuntek.com MSN:Victorzhang1979@hotmail.com...

    • [] JDSU/Acterna MTS-8000 + E8136LR OTDR

      日期:2009-06-01 00:00:00点击:689

      DOws 的 PC 分析软件,能够产生包括双向结果的详细、全面的专业报告。 深圳市丰信科技有限公司 Tel:0755-21572868 QQ:402549364 Mobil:13713904196 张生 Email:victor@fonsuntek.com MSN:Victorzhang1979@hotmail.com...

    • [] 10G误码测试仪

      日期:2009-06-01 00:00:00点击:943

      DOmo, President and CEO. The Centellax Inc. China office is located in the business district of Shenzhen, China and will be managed by Randy Zhang, China Sales Manager. For a complete list of DOmestic and international representatives, please visit the following URL: http://www.centellax.com/contact. For ...

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