ATS-1AUDIO PRECISION?ATS-1 ATS-1 analyzers bring bench-quality, high-precision test and measurement to maintENAnce, engineering and production facilities. Whether in broadcast, communications, bench or production use, the ATS-1 offers a complete, easy-to-use audio test set housed in a rugged metal ca...
CRT-400Albert CRT-400 分析表? The CRT-400, Alber's handheld Cellcorder utilizes the well-proven and patented DC Resistance Test to eliminate the guesswork when trying to identify a failing battery. . Designed specifically to comply with IEEE Recommended Practices for Battery MaintENAnce and Testing ....
ENAnce time and cost as well as provide a maintENAnce friendly tester for measuring and displaying resistance of thermocouple, thermocouple rings and system lead circuits. Simulates CH/AL thermocouple with or without simulated system lead resistance. Simulates thermocouple outputs and system lead resistances ...
ENAnce, and versatile accessories. The power supply in the E8404A VXI mainframe provides 1000 watts of usable power, sufficient for the most demanding automated test applications. The innovative air distribution system in this mainframe provides extremely quiet and efficient cooling. Enhanced monitor...
ENAble easy signal analysis such as multiple alarm and status screens, different safe area graticules and cursors on each tile and more.ANC Data InspectorAutomatically detect all ANC data types and display presence, absence and status. (Standard on WFM8300 and available as option on WFM8200.)3D MeasurementAll...
主要特性与技术指标300 kHz至7.5 GHz频率范围通过单一连接进行快速、完整的双端口校准简单的非插入设备校准可追溯至NIST的精确校准减少连接器磨损USB接口使用户可以直接控制PNA和ENA系列网络分析仪可靠的固态开关提供混合连接器选件(3.5 mm,N型50 ohm和7-16)本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货...
主要特性与技术指标频率范围:300 kHz至9 GHz通过单一连接进行快速、完整的双端口校准简单的非插入设备校准可追踪至NIST的精确校准减少连接器磨损USB接口用于使用PNA和ENA系列网络分析仪直接控制可靠的固态开关提供混合连接器选件(3.5 mm,N型50Ω和7-16)本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存...
主要特性与技术指标通过USB接口直接控制PNA和ENA系列网络分析仪用于其它分析仪的可选85097B接口快速校准对单一连接进行完整的双端口校准减小连接器磨损NIST标准精确校准可靠的固态开关直接的非插入型设备校准描述Keysight N4690A 微波电子校准(ECal)件可快速、轻松和精确地对矢量网络分析仪进行校准。取决于网络分析仪,微波电子校...
主要特性与技术指标9 kHz至13.5 GHz的频率范围通过单一连接进行快速、完整的3或4端口校准可追踪至NIST的精确校准减少连接器磨损USB接口用于使用PNA和ENA系列网络分析仪直接控制可靠的固态开关提供混合连接器选件(3.5 mm,N型50Ω和7-16)本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深...
主要特性与技术指标频率范围从300 kHz至18 GHz通过USB接口直接控制PNA和ENA系列网络分析仪用于其它分析仪的可选85097B接口快速校准对单一连接进行完整的双端口校准减小连接器磨损NIST标准精确校准可靠的固态开关本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司...