ENAble to measure the WDL/PDL characteristics of optical components and modules at high speed, with high accuracy and high resolution.Four models:The model range has four versions:Type A : Standard model with +10dBm or more peak output powerType B : Low noise model with high SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio) o...
ENAble to measure the WDL/PDL characteristics of optical components and modules at high speed, with high accuracy and high resolution.Applications:Optical component characterizationFiber optic transmission testingPhotonic material characterizationInterferometryOptical spectroscopy本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回...
It features full 80 nm improved tuning mechanics and improved low insertion loss. Low PDL and low PMD are also characteristic of Santec “linear sliding” filters.OTF-930 equips GPIB and RS-232C control interface which ENAbles remote control and data acquisition.Features:80nm tuning range, 0.01nm resolutionL...
Santec’s proprietary LCOS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon) technology inside the WSS-1000 ENAbles the user to program a limitless range of optical filtering, attenuation and switching schemes.The WSS-1000 is an ENAbling technology for investigating next generation optical networks by utilizing the filter as an op...
ENA Series offer 2-, 3-, or 4-test ports for simultaneous measurement of all signal paths in these multiport devices. 本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村路221号8楼TEL:0755-86641139联系人,王先生...
Ixia 的 Gb 以太网负载模块系列版本丰富,选择灵活,可满足任何测试需求。 XMVDC 模块系列功能最为强大,完全支持全部 2-7 层大规模测试环境。 其数据中心功能完备,支持 FCoE 和数据中心桥接协议,可立即投入使用。 除了 IxNetwork 和 IxLoad 等经典 Ixia 测试应用程序外,XMVDC-Fusion ENAbled 版本还支持 IxN2X 软件。 XMSP12...
关键功能:提供了 2、4 和 8 端口配置除了像 IxNetwork 和 IxLoad 这样的传统 Ixia 应用程序外,“NGY Fusion-ENAbled”装入模块还支持 IxN2X 软件“NGY-NP”装入模块采用了 Ixia 的专利网络处理器技术,可通过 IxLoad 实现高性能应用程序层测试。功能简化版,可提供经济实惠的高密度 10GbE 测试与 XM12 或 XM2 机柜兼容支持大量的接...
ENAbles us to continuously fine-tune our instruments for lower cost of ownership and longer usage, particularly in 24/7 operated testing: we have extended the recommended recalibration period of the 86122C to two years, and doubled the expected lifetime of the built-in reference laser. The new Multi-Wavelengt...
Type Parameter 3 Port 4 Port Configuration Port 1 to Port 2;Port 2 to Port 3 Port 1 to Port 2;Port 2 t...
—— 主要特点 ——l 全新的马达驱动程序,使机器更快更稳定l 8秒快速熔接,40秒加热,全世界最快的熔接机l 体积小,重量轻,工程携带极为方便l 系统自检功能,确保熔接机随时处于最佳工作状态l 5英寸彩色LCD显示屏,放大光纤256倍l 三维图像处理功能,可同时观测X轴、Y轴方向l 暂停功...