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首页 > 包含“Filters”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 23 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [滤光片] 100G DWDM c-band skip-zero Filters 100G DWDM c-band 跳零滤波片

      日期:2024-01-20 17:04:21点击:1318

      富光科技 100G DWDM c-band 10ch  skip-zero Filters/100G c-band 10跳零滤波片是在利用业内领先的膜层厚度控制和频域时域控制设计能力和工艺水平基础上生产的高品质干涉薄膜跳片滤波片,凭借超窄的过渡带压缩技术,避免导致工作通道的隔离度降低和通道插损值增加的情况发生,富光科技的100G跳片有10ch, 8ch, 4ch and 2ch s...

    • [其它生产测试] JDSU TB9226-FA可调谐光纤光栅滤波器

      日期:2016-12-15 15:02:55点击:1879

      The JDS / JDS Fitel /JDSU TB9: Models TB9xxx-Z series Tunable Grating Filter can be used for amplified spontaneous emission (EDFA) applications or to remove spontaneous emission from distributed feedback lasers (DFBs) and tunable lasers in measurements of wavelength selective components. The Tunable Grating F...

    • [其它生产测试] 吉时利 2015-P 数字万用表

      日期:2016-09-01 14:53:45点击:1012

      Filters13 DMM functions (6-1/2 digits) 寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...

    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦 8592L 便携式频谱分析仪

      日期:2016-08-01 10:29:25点击:1090

      Filters: Optimize the tradeoffs of speed, sensitivity and the separation of closely spaced signals with your choice of 10 resolution bandwidth Filters beginning at 1 kHz.   142 dB amplitude measurement range: Measures signals directly with -112 dBm to +30 dBm amplitude measurement range.   One-but...

    • [其它类别] R&S®FSW26 频谱与信号分析仪

      日期:2016-07-12 10:37:27点击:1182

      Filters for Harmonic MeasurementsR&S®FSW-B17Order No. 1313.0784.02Digital Baseband InterfaceR&S®FSW-B71Order No. 1313.1651.13Analog Baseband Inputsfor R&S®FSW8 and R&S®FSW13R&S®FSW-B71Order No. 1313.1651.26Analog Baseband Inputs(for R&S®FSW26, R&S®...

    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦 85685A RF 预选

      日期:2016-05-03 16:14:48点击:914

      描述The Keysight 85685A RF preselctor is designed to operate with the Keysight 8566B and 8568B spectrum analyzers. The RF preselector adds tracking Filters to reduce overloading from out-of-band signal and preamplifiers for improved system sensitivity over the 20 Hz to 2 GHz frequency range. The Keysight 8568...

    • [其它生产测试] 超带宽宽带光源

      日期:2015-05-21 11:35:58点击:3215

      Filters and other general purpose fiber optic test and measurement applications. It is specifically designed for high volume CWDM filter and component production line application.The BLS1003 super wide CWDM broadband light source is an efficient, compact-sized, fast-starting, and affordable optical super wide...

    • [其它生产测试] Agilent 86142A 光谱分析仪

      日期:2014-12-25 11:21:17点击:1280

      Filters, multiplexors and Bragg Gratings), characterizing DWDM transmitter lasers and analyzing DWDM multi-channel system performance.HP / Agilent 86142A Features:·         Wavelength Range: 600 nm to 1700 nm·         ...

    • [其它生产测试] SMR60罗德与施瓦茨R&S?SSMR60?數位示波器

      日期:2014-11-26 16:02:07点击:1389

      Filters in the output path of the instrument ensure excellent harmonics suppression.   This is necessary to obtain unequivocal results in scalar network analysis measurements. Microwave signal generators are frequently used for calibrating test receivers. This task calls for a highly accurate and stab...

    • [其它生产测试] SMR50罗德与施瓦茨R&S SMR50 數位示波器?

      日期:2014-11-26 16:02:07点击:1769

      Filters in the output path of the instrument ensure excellent harmonics suppression.   This is necessary to obtain unequivocal results in scalar network analysis measurements. Microwave signal generators are frequently used for calibrating test receivers. This task calls for a highly accurate and stab...