M-SC预埋型快速连接器特点 1. 自主生产预埋陶瓷插芯。陶瓷粉料日本进口,材质密度高,不易产生暗裂纹,保证恶劣环境下的良好性能。 2. 自主研发独特的V型槽工艺,进口材质,产品精度及一致性高。 3. 国外进口高品质...
MSC-K型预埋式快速连接器特点1. 自主生产预埋陶瓷插芯。陶瓷粉料日本进口,材质密度高,不易产生暗裂纹,保证恶劣环境下的良好性能。2. 自主研发独特的V型槽工艺,进口材质,产品精度及一致性高。3. &nbs...
Ge (Km) 5 10 模式/Modulation Frequencies(Hz) CW 1Hz 输出接口/Connector Type FC/PC(InterchanGeable SC,ST) 电池/Power Supply A A A 1.5v (2pcs batteries) 电池使用寿命/Battery Life(℃) ≥40hrs 工作温度/Operating Temp(℃) 0~+ 50 存储温度/StoraGe Temp. ...
光缆:采用防鼠咬Φ3.0mm室内铠装软光缆; 连接器:FC/SC/ST/LC等与普通连接器相匹配; 特征: 1、采用室内铠装光缆制作,不锈钢软管保护光纤; 2、与普通室内缆相比抗压强度高,抗踩踏; 3、防鼠蚁咬、直径小,柔软性好; 4、光缆中的Kevlar加强单元,抗拉性好,其与光纤活动连接器的连接稳固,稳定可靠; 5、可直接敷设于机...
Primanex’s Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexer (CWDM) devices demonstrate low loss and reliable performances. These devices show broad passband and high isolation, making them ideal for operation with inexpensive, uncooled lasers. They are low cost products for the CATV and metro/access markets.Easily cu...
Ge threshold applocation (more than 1GW/cm2). As the plate is very thin, it's easy to break during operation. Single Plate Wide Angle Acceptance Better Temperature Bandwidth Wide Wavelength Bandwidth High DamaGe Threshold Thin Thickness:0.04~0.09 microns AR Coated, R<0.2% Standard Wavele...
Rhomboid prisms are commonly used to displace a laser beam without changing its direction. In imaging applications, rhomboid prisms will displace the optical axis without inverting the imaGe. The lateral displacement is equal to the length of the prism (specified by dimension D). Our Rhomboid Prisms fea...
Beta-Barium Borate,β-BaB2O4,BBOThe main advantaGes of BBO:• Broad phase matching second-harmonic-Generation (SHG) ranGe from 409.6nm to 3500nm• Wide transmission region from 190nm to 3500nm• LarGe effective SHG coefficient• High damaGe threshold of 10 GW/cm2 for 100 ps pulse-widths at...
商品描述: 适用敷设方式■架空 结构特征■非金属中心加强件■玻璃纤维或芳纶纤维周边加强■聚乙烯外护套 性能特点■无金属结构,抗电磁,雷电性能,防静电 适用范围■强电区长途通信、局间通信及电磁干扰严重的场合■尤其适用于电力系统、多雷电及电磁干扰严重的场合 光缆芯数 光缆外径 光缆重量 最...