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首页 > 包含“IR”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 3588 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [光环形器] 光纤环形器FCIR

      日期:2021-10-15 12:40:08点击:2434

      澳威激光的3端口光纤环形器是基于法拉第旋转器、偏振片、偏振走离晶体来实现光的传输。允许光信号从1端口进入,光几乎毫无损失的从2端口输出。当光从2端口输入时,光几乎毫无损耗的从3端口输出,1端口几乎没有光输出。高质量性能和可靠性的气密性外壳封装。允许在单根光纤双向传输光纤网络,以提高通信能力。该产品满足Telcordia GR-1...

    • [棱镜] 直角棱镜,高精度,价格优,各种规格镀膜要求可定制

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:43点击:1782

      IRements such as angle tolerance, surface quality etc. to meet the demand in various applications. Materials: N-BK7, UV Fused Silica, CaF2, ZnSe, or Ge。Uncoated or AR coating requIRements upon customer’s request....

    • [棱镜] 楔形棱镜,楔角片,专业生产厂家

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:35点击:1836

      IRection of the beam. The angle of the refracted beam becomes greater when the wedges angle in the same dIRection. When the wedges are rotated to angle in opposite dIRections, they cancel each other out, and the beam is allowed to pass straight through....

    • [晶体] YVO4晶体厚片,楔角片,钒酸钇晶体,光环形器元件

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:25点击:2879

      IRefringence. Photonchina YVO4 has an excellent synthetic substitute for Calcite (CaCO3) and Rutile (TiO2) crystals in many applications including fiber optic isolators and cIRculators, beam displacers, Glan polarizers and other polarizing optics, etc....

    • [波片] 波片,四分之一波片,真零级波片,光通讯用波片

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:22点击:3856

      IRing high damage thresholds and retardation stability over temperature change, such as for use with lasers or infrared light sources....

    • [透镜] C-lens, C透镜,准直透镜, 15年经验专业厂家

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:18点击:1295

      IRements, beside our standard products list below. ...

    • [棱镜] Glan Laser Polarizer格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:13点击:1411

      产品特点Glan laser prisms is a glan taylor polarizer that is specially designed for high energy application. The side of housing is drilled two holes. The ordinary ray is reflected through an angle and exits the polarizer through one of holes.  •   高偏振度  •   宽波...

    • [棱镜] Glan Thompson Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:08点击:1204

      IR(200-900nm)Part No.L/CAExtinction RatioAngular Field(°)C.A. fa(mm)O.D. fd(mm)L±0.1(mm)GMP5-0061.6<5x10-6>1561518GMP5-008825.421GMP5-0101025.424.5GMP5-015153032.52. Calcite Glan Thompson PolarizerPart No.L/CAExtinction RatioAngular Field(°)C.A. fa(mm)O.D. fd(mm)L±0.1(mm)GMP6-1062.5<5x10-614-1661...

    • [棱镜] Wollaston Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:03点击:1187

      产品特点Wa llaston polarizer can separate an incident beam into two rays: extraordinary and ordinary ray with a deviation angle which is dependent on wavelength. Both rays are transmitted through the other surface. Specifications: Material : a -BBO, Calcite.Wallaston polarizer can separate an incident beam in...

    • [棱镜] Rochon Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:38:56点击:960

      产品参数Specifications:Material:a-BBO, CalciteWavelength Range:a-BBO:200-3500nm, Calcite:350-2300 nmExtinction Ratio:Calcite:<5x10-5; a-BBO:<5x10-6Parallelism:<1 arc MinSurface Quality:20/10Beam Deviation:< 3 arc minutesWavefornt Distortion:λ/4@632.8nmDamage Threshold:>500 MW/cm2Coating:Single...

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