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首页 > 包含“LIV”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 173 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [其它光通讯材料] 光纤带状分支器

      日期:2014-02-17 17:25:30点击:4412

      LIVery to meet the guests . The company has been striving to become the domestic high-quality accessories manufacturers , the customer needs is the direction of our efforts, we are committed to customer requirements best. 送货方式:1、快速(默认顺丰),快递费用请用阿里旺旺联系确定。2、物流3、公司专车送货(仅限...

    • [其它光通讯材料] 光纤束状分支器6芯

      日期:2014-02-17 17:25:30点击:2707

      LIVery to meet the guests . The company has been striving to become the domestic high-quality accessories manufacturers , the customer needs is the direction of our efforts, we are committed to customer requirements best. 送货方式:1、快速(默认顺丰),快递费用请用阿里旺旺联系确定。2、物流3、公司专车送货(仅限...

    • [其它光通讯材料] 光模块金属封装盒

      日期:2014-02-17 17:25:30点击:3090

      LIVery to meet the guests . The company has been striving to become the domestic high-quality accessories manufacturers , the customer needs is the direction of our efforts, we are committed to customer requirements best.送货方式:1、快速(默认顺丰),快递费用请用阿里旺旺联系确定。2、物流3、公司专车送货(仅限深...

    • [波分复用器件] 波分复用金属外壳

      日期:2014-02-17 17:25:30点击:2144

      LIVery to meet the guests . The company has been striving to become the domestic high-quality accessories manufacturers , the customer needs is the direction of our efforts, we are committed to customer requirements best.送货方式:1、快速(默认顺丰),快递费用请用阿里旺旺联系确定。2、物流3、公司专车送货(仅限深...

    • [光收发器] 10/100/1000M 单模单纤 20km SC 外置电源光纤收发器

      日期:2014-01-13 11:24:12点击:3256


    • [其它生产测试] Agilent E8404A C 型 VXI 主机,13 插槽

      日期:2013-11-15 09:36:08点击:1239

      LIVers innovative cooling technology, improved backplane design, high reliability, easy maintenance, and versatile accessories. The power supply in the E8404A VXI mainframe provides 1000 watts of usable power, sufficient for the most demanding automated test applications. The innovative air distribution s...

    • [其它生产测试] PSS LIV LD耦合测试电源

      日期:2013-11-07 16:00:54点击:4836

      1、概述 L-I-V测试仪包括上位机和下位机。下位机是主机,实现所需电压电流信号的采集和处理。上位机是以PC机位平台,完成人机界面的信号显示与控制。上位机与下位机通过RS232相连。PSS LIV-2是精确测试半导体激光器LD、TOSA或BOSA的激光器的光电性能参数与性能曲线的专用设备,根据光输入接口的选择,可以测试850nm、1310nm、1490n...

    • [其它生产测试] PSS BAR巴条自动检测系统

      日期:2013-11-07 15:58:11点击:5248

      一  产品简介 巴条自动检测系统(PSS LB-1)主要用于巴条(LD芯片)的光电性能检测,系统可实现:LD的前光与背光测试、常温和高温区的测试、光谱测试等功能。系统集成了LIV测试仪、光谱分析仪,检测的参数包括:巴条前光LIV性能检测、巴条背光LIV性能检测、巴条光谱性能检测。 系统提供良好的人机互动上位机界面,可以实现巴...

    • [] TO—46、56

      日期:2012-11-23 10:56:14点击:9515


    • [光收发模块] 千兆1310nm SFP40公里光模块 兼容CISCO思科交换机 GLC-LH40-SM

      日期:2012-11-21 11:21:17点击:8198

      LIVe.cn    QQ:370455849 Skype: smilecat2000 or Zhuming-Dowin SFP (155M/622M/1.25G/2.125G/2.5G/4.25G) without or with DDMI Part Number Data Rate Wavelenth Distance Package Temp. DWP-DG-8503-02(D) 155M 850 2KM SF...