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首页 > 包含“NCT”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 514 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [其它生产测试] 出售 维修 租赁 思博伦 GSS9000 北斗系统测试

      日期:2014-08-14 16:51:24点击:1177

      The extensibility and flexibility of the GSS9000 allows a very large number of possible configurations, made possible by three key fuNCTions of the systemRF channel banks, with 4, 8, 12, or 16 channels per bankA ‘cabinet’ of license feature keys to determine which GNSS signals can be simulatedA software lic...

    • [其它类别] 出售 agilent 81654a

      日期:2014-07-14 15:50:00点击:2116

      Key Features & Specifications Key performance specifications 1310/1550nm 1mW output power CW power stability: ±0.03db (24h) Internal digital modulation Description The Agilent 81654A Fabry-Perot laser source is a dual-wavelength module to be used in conjuNCTion...

    • [熔接机] 南京迪威普 DVP-730全自动光纤熔接机

      日期:2014-06-30 15:29:54点击:5369

      —— 主要特点 ——l 全新的马达驱动程序,使机器更快更稳定l 8秒快速熔接,40秒加热,全世界最快的熔接机l 体积小,重量轻,工程携带极为方便l 系统自检功能,确保熔接机随时处于最佳工作状态l 5英寸彩色LCD显示屏,放大光纤256倍l 三维图像处理功能,可同时观测X轴、Y轴方向l 暂停功...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售维修回收LitePoint 信号分析和信号产生IQview

      日期:2014-06-25 14:04:51点击:1795

      FuNCTionalityThe IQview test system is expressly designed to test WLAN products, including network interface cards, access points, andembedded components.The IQview test system’s VSA capability replaces traditional spectrum analyzers and power meters, enabling the user to analyzea device under test’s transm...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售 维修 回收Agilent N5173B 微波模拟信号发生器,

      日期:2014-05-24 11:05:23点击:952

      主要特性与技术指标Signal characteristics9 kHz to 13, 20, 31.8 or 40 GHz+20 dBm output power at 20 GHz-101 dBc/Hz phase noise at 10 GHz and 20 kHz offsetHigh stability OCXO < ±5 x 10-10 per dayModulation and sweepAM, FM, ØM and narrow pulsePulse train generator10 MHz multifuNCTion generator and L...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售 维修 回收AgilentN5183B 微波模拟信号发生器

      日期:2014-05-24 10:56:40点击:1031

      主要特性与技术指标Signal characteristics9 kHz to 13, 20 31.8 or 40 GHz+20 dBm output power at 20 GHz-124 dBc/Hz phase noise at 10 GHz and 10 kHz offset-75 dBc non-harmonics at 10 GHz and >10 kHz offsetModulation and sweepAM, FM, ØM and narrow pulsePulse train generator10 MHz multifuNCTion generator an...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售 维修 回收AgilengE4991B 阻抗分析仪

      日期:2014-05-24 10:04:38点击:781

      NCTion: Equivalent circuit analysis, limit line test本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村路221号8楼TEL:0755-86641139联系人,王先生:13715327187  田先生:18123986106深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司驻成都办事处...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售 维修 回收AgilengE4990A 阻抗分析仪

      日期:2014-05-24 10:03:25点击:949

      NCTion: Equivalent circuit analysis, limit line test本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村路221号8楼TEL:0755-86641139联系人,王先生:13715327187  田先生:18123986106深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司驻成都办事处...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售 维修 回收Agilent U3606B Multimeter

      日期:2014-05-23 15:07:04点击:816

      主要特性与技术指标Full-featured 5 ½ digit DMM5½ digit, 120,000 counts resolution10 measurement fuNCTions and 8 built-in math fuNCTions4-wire low resistance measurement with 0.001 mΩ resolution0.025% DC voltage accuracy Full-featured 30 W, DC power supply30 V/1 A, 100 mA/30 V, 8 V/3 A and 1000 ...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售 维修 回收Agilent U1241B 手持式数字多用表

      日期:2014-05-23 14:37:38点击:721

      主要特性与技术指标Check more, fix more10,000 count display0.09% basic DC voltage accuracy and true RMS measurementBasic fuNCTions: DCV, DCI, ACV, ACI, resistance, frequency, continuity, diode testAdvanced fuNCTions: capacitance, temperature, switch counterEase of useAdjustable backlightingMin/Max recording本...