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首页 > 包含“Pattern”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 279 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [其它生产测试] 安立 MP1520B/PDH 分析仪

      日期:2016-12-22 09:31:45点击:1877

      详细资料:Product OverviewThe Anritsu MP1520B is an error measuring instrument for 2, 8, 34, and 139 Mb/s digital transmission systems. This instrument can generate and receive pseudo-random Patterns with frames which approximate to line traffic signals. In addition, it has the following features and capabili...

    • [其它生产测试] 爱德万 D3286 误码仪

      日期:2016-11-30 16:36:32点击:936

      Pattern Generator/D3286 Error Detector offers excellent waveformswith high speed and high quality and diverse error detecting functions in an operating frequency range from 150 Mbps to 12.5 Gbps. In addition, with the 8 M-bit large capacity memory and ADVANTEST's unique frame Pattern generation function,...

    • [其它生产测试] 安立MP1763C 码型发生器

      日期:2016-11-18 13:49:16点击:1250

      Pattern representative of actual conditions or a programmable Pattern can be selected as cell data.1/8 parallel output is standard, and options are available for either 1/4 paralle...

    • [其它生产测试] Anritsu/MP1763C 码型发生器

      日期:2016-09-01 11:13:59点击:1007

      Pattern representative of actual conditions or a programmable Pattern can be selected as cell data.1/8 parallel output is standard, and options are available for either 1/4 parallel output or 1/4 differential output. This is the industry's only 12.5G BERT system with differential inputs and ¼ d...

    • [其它生产测试] Anritsu/MP1763C 码型发生器

      日期:2016-08-13 16:53:57点击:1495

      Pattern representative of actual conditions or a programmable Pattern can be selected as cell data.1/8 parallel output is standard, and options are available for either 1/4 parallel output or 1/4 differential output. This is the industry's only 12.5G BERT system with differential inputs and ¼ d...

    • [其它类别] Tektronix TLA715 逻辑分析仪

      日期:2016-08-01 16:47:22点击:922

      Pattern generators and digitizing oscilloscopesUp to 800 MHz state acquisition with 1.25 GB/s data rate for advanced processors and buses8 GHz deep timing analysisMagniVu™ technology provides 500 ps timing resolution on all channels all the time through the same probeSimultaneous state and high speed ti...

    • [其它生产测试] Agilent 83623A信号发生器

      日期:2016-06-28 14:41:47点击:716

      主要特性与技术指标Scan modulation to simulate antenna scan PatternsAccurate fixed and swept frequency offset for two-tone measurementUser flatness correction for leveling at remote points in the test systemGeneral purpose source for use in component test, receiver test and for frequency conversionSweep Modes:...

    • [其它生产测试] Credix MPD-1650 TDMB多功能信号发生器

      日期:2016-06-22 15:01:45点击:1464

      Patterns default supplied  H.264 and BSAC (Korean),  HE-AAC (Chinese, German) AV Patterns  DAB Audio Patterns  BER Pattern for actual BER measurement  Various FIG Setup寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...

    • [其它生产测试] Astro VG-849A HDMI视频信号发生器

      日期:2016-06-22 14:26:32点击:2382

      Pattern,且可读为标准EDID的DDC数据。   VG-849A-HDMI桌上型300Mhz 多功能全彩讯号产生器,最大分辨率达4096*4096且可输出HDMI及YPrPb之色差讯号,面板按钮支持各项操作功能可用于CRT、LCD、PDP、HDTV及投影机等相关产品测试及研发。 规 格频宽1.Analog:5-300MHz2.DVI (1ch):25-165MhzDVI (2ch):25-300Mhz3.DVI (HDCP...

    • [其它生产测试] 泰克 TLA715 逻辑分析仪

      日期:2016-06-14 15:32:58点击:760

      Pattern generators and digitizing oscilloscopesUp to 800 MHz state acquisition with 1.25 GB/s data rate for advanced processors and buses8 GHz deep timing analysisMagniVu™ technology provides 500 ps timing resolution on all channels all the time through the same probeSimultaneous state and high speed ti...