产品特点Glan laser prisms is a glan taylor polarizer that is specially designed for high energy application. The side of housing is drilled two holes. The ordinaRY ray is reflected through an angle and exits the polarizer through one of holes. • 高偏振度 • 宽波...
产品特点Glan thompson polarizer consists two same calcite prisms which are comented together. The extraordinaRY ray is transmitted, while ordinaRY ray is deflected and absorbed. Specifications: Material : a -BBO, Calcite Wavelength Range: a -BBO: 220-3500 nGlan thompson polarizer consists two same calcite pri...
产品特点Wa llaston polarizer can separate an incident beam into two rays: extraordinaRY and ordinaRY ray with a deviation angle which is dependent on wavelength. Both rays are transmitted through the other surface. Specifications: Material : a -BBO, Calcite.Wallaston polarizer can separate an incident beam in...
产品特点 In order to enable the waveplate suitable for high damage threshold(more than 1GW/cm2) application. CRYLight Provides a single plate of true zero-order waveplate. The thickness of this waveplate means handling can be difficult. We can provide mounts upon request.产品参数Specifications:Material:Q...
RY in cases where a ring-shaped spot is useful. Axicon lens is usually characterized by the ratio of the diameter of the ring to the distance from the lens tip to image plane.Applications:• Laser Drilling/Optical Trepanning• Optical Trapping• Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)...
RYstals 直径公差: +0.0/-0.2mm 波前畸变: λ/4 @632.8nm (for air spaced type) 相位延迟精度: λ/100 平行度: <10 arc second (for cemented type) ...
RY compact size and wide attenuation range (> 20dB) over EDFA wavelength range using a neutral density(ND) filter driven by voltage controlled stepping motor. High reliability is assured using herm...
四川光发科技的WDM是基于TFF(薄膜滤波器)的波分复用技术。 它有各种封装尺寸和波长选择; 它将不同波长的光信号多路复用到单根光纤进行传输,接收端利用多路分解将光纤中的信号分解成不同波长的信号。 Features:Low Insertion LossHigh Return LossHigh Channel IsolationEpoxy-Free Optical PathSuperb Thermal StabilityRoHS...
Cofiber 1550是一款交钥匙、免维护的超快锁模光纤激光器。该系统采用MOPA设 计结构,光路及电路结构集成一体化、紧凑 便携,易于集成在科研用户装置或工业激光 系统中。由于其高稳定可靠性、可定制化以 及卓越的性价比,是目前太赫兹(THz)产生 及光/量子通信等热门应用的理想光源.采用...