Right Angle Prisms Right-angle prism is the most common type of prisms. It is used to re-direct a beam of light at 90 degrees from the the incident direction or used as a 180 beam retro-reflector. They are often coated with various optical coatings to form cubic beam splitters and color separation cubes ...
深圳市创至博发实业有限公司正式于2004年成立,一直致力于光通信精密陶瓷元器件及光通信无源器件的研发、生产、销售。在公司正式成立的前8年,公司的开拓者依托与日本通信陶瓷行业的良好关系,专注中国陶瓷插芯毛坯,陶瓷插芯,无源器件的贸易。在国内建立了广大的客户君和良好的信誉! &nb...
RY Life(℃) ≥40hrs 工作温度/Operating Temp(℃) 0~+ 50 存储温度/Storage Temp. -20 ~+70 尺寸/Dimension(mm) 185*25 重量/Weight(g) 162g...
The true zero order waveplate is designed to highly accurate application. Its thickness is veRY thin(less than 0.1mm) which make the true zero order waveplate excellent in temperature,wavelength and incident angle bandwidth.To suit different applications,our true zero order wave plates are classified into Cem...
Rhomboid prisms are commonly used to displace a laser beam without changing its direction. In imaging applications, rhomboid prisms will displace the optical axis without inverting the image. The lateral displacement is equal to the length of the prism (specified by dimension D). Our Rhomboid Prisms fea...
RYstals: • Second, third, fourth and fifth harmonic generation of Nd:YAG• Frequency-doubling, -tripling and -mixing of dye lasers• Optical parametric amplifiers (OPA) and optical parametric oscillators (OPO)• Second, third, fourth and fifth harmonic generation of Ti: sapphire and alex...
商品描述: 适用敷设方式■架空 结构特征■非金属中心加强件■玻璃纤维或芳纶纤维周边加强■聚乙烯外护套 性能特点■无金属结构,抗电磁,雷电性能,防静电 适用范围■强电区长途通信、局间通信及电磁干扰严重的场合■尤其适用于电力系统、多雷电及电磁干扰严重的场合 光缆芯数 光缆外径 光缆重量 最...
商品描述: 适用敷设方式■架空、管道 结构特征■金属中心加强件(磷化钢丝) ■双面覆塑皱纹钢带-聚乙烯粘结外护套 性能特点■钢带铠装,抗压力性能优良 ■具有一定防弹能力 适用范围■长途通信、局间通信 光缆芯数 光缆外径 光缆重量 最小弯曲半径 允许张力 允许侧压力 静态 动态 短期 ...
商品描述: 适用敷设方式■架空、管道 结构特征■金属中心加强件(磷化钢丝)■双面覆塑铝带-聚乙烯粘结内护套 性能特点■双面覆塑铝带平纵包粘结护套,防潮性能优良 适用范围■长途通信、局间通信■尤其适用于对防潮、防鼠等要求较高的场合 光缆芯数 光缆外径 光缆重量 最小弯曲半径 允许张力 ...
商品描述: 适用敷设方式■架空 结构特征■钢带与缆芯之间设有阻水层■双面覆塑皱纹钢带-聚乙烯粘结外护套■双钢丝平行加强性能特点■优良的阻水层,具有良好的抗渗水能力■钢带粘接外护套及金属加强,提高光缆抗压力,张力性能优良适用范围■ 长途通信、局间通信 光缆芯数 光缆外径(MM) 光缆重量 ...