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    共搜索到 501 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [激光器] 脉冲激光器(激光雷达 )

      日期:2024-01-02 10:48:54点击:828

      Technical Parameter单 位unit技术指标Specification最小值Min.典型值Typ.最大值Max.中心波长Center wavelengthnm154915501551脉冲宽度(FWHM)(可调)Pulse width (FWHM) (adjustable)ns1 10脉冲重复频率(可调)Pulse repetition rate (adjustable)KHz100 2000谱宽(FWHM)Spectral width (FWHM)nm-12信噪比Signal to No...

    • [光调制器] 声光驱动电源

      日期:2023-12-27 09:28:31点击:874

      声光驱动电源1.概述 Overview本文档规定了此款驱动电源的功能和技术指标,并对设备的接口、结构设计、质量保证、售后服务和包装等提出要求,是设备开展生产和交付的依据。2.技术要求Technical requirement2.1功能及性能Function and performance2.1.1功能要求Functional requirementsa) 输出信号频率:200Ma) Output signal freq...

    • [光调制器] 模拟声光驱动电源

      日期:2023-12-27 09:19:30点击:999

      模拟声光驱动电源    Analog Acousto-optic Drive Power                         Model:GA-RF-M-080M-2.5W-R2技术要求 Technical Requirements1.功能及性能Functions and Perf...

    • [激光器] 1060nm纳秒脉冲激光器

      日期:2023-12-19 16:45:53点击:847

      Technical parameters单 位Unit技术指标Technical indicators最小值Min.典型值Typ.最大值Max.中心波长Center wavelengthnm106010641070脉冲宽度Pulse widthns3-10脉冲重复频率Pulse repetition frequencyKHz300-400K谱宽(FWHM)Spectral width(FWHM)nm-5 边模抑制比Side mode  suppression  ratiodB35--输出脉冲峰...

    • [光调制器] 声光驱动电源

      日期:2023-10-16 16:33:18点击:1031

      Technical requirement2.1功能及性能Function and performance2.1.1功能要求Functional requirementsa) 输出信号频率:200Ma) Output signal frequency: 200Mb) 工作电压:DC +24V±0.5Vb) Working voltage: DC+24V ± 0.5V2.1.2性能要求Performance Requirementc) 工作频率 200Mc) Working frequency 200Md) 最...

    • [滤波器] 光纤滤波器—带通型

      日期:2023-10-12 09:44:47点击:1334

      光纤滤波器—带通型〖特性Features〗n 各种工作波长可选n 窄带带通滤波,窄带平坦带通滤波可选n 单模,多模,保偏光纤可选n 最窄线宽可达0.3nm或者更窄应用Applications〗n DWDM系统或者器件n 光器件生产测试领域n 光仪器仪表n 其他领域〖性能参数Performance Parameter〗主要技术参数Main Tech...

    • [光收发模块] 10Gb/s DWDM Tunable SFP Transceiver 可调光模块

      日期:2022-04-19 11:51:12点击:4188

      Technology, the half-wave coupled V-cavity laser (VCL). With the advantages of compactness, fabrication simplicity and easy wavelength control of VCL, this tunable transceiver offers a cost-effective solution for tunable applications in access, mobile fronthaul and backhaul, data center and metropolitan D...

    • [光收发模块] Tunable Laser Optical Sub-Assembly XMD 可调激光器

      日期:2022-04-09 13:07:04点击:3370

      Technology extends towards access and data center networks, the cost reduction and operational simplicity have become more and more important.Lightip has developed a simple and compact tunable laser based on patented proprietary Technolog...

    • [光收发模块] 2.5Gbps DWDM Multi-Rate Tunable SFP Transceiver 可调光模块

      日期:2022-03-18 16:22:49点击:2544

      Technology, the half-wave coupled V-cavity laser (VCL). With the advantages of compactness, fabrication simplicity and easy wavelength control of VCL, this tunable transceiver offers a cost-effective solution for tunable applications in access, mobile fronthaul and backhaul, data center and metropolitan DWDM ...

    • [光纤光缆] 聚酰亚胺类耐高温光纤

      日期:2022-03-10 14:03:43点击:3339

      聚酰亚胺涂覆层材料是工业光纤经常采用的耐高温聚合物,同时具备高拉伸强度、耐腐蚀与耐化学侵蚀。典型厚度15um,最高工作温度长期可达300℃,短期可达400℃,适合应用于埋入式光纤传感系统,其高强度与高硬度的特点使得在井下应用更加可靠。此种材料推荐剥离涂覆层时采用化学剥除方法。 ...