TechNOLOGY CO.,LTDSIR.向 mol:18320750506FAX:0755-27767602 QQ:49142639E-mail:sales@sanlioc.comWeb:欢迎给我MAIL或电话,期待与您的良好合作!!!...
FiberWDM’s CWDM Technology uses ITU standard 20nm spacing between the wavelengths, from 1270nm to 1610nm. Our CWDM module has 2 to 18 channels. The central wavelength of each channel is specified to one of the ITU-T grid wavelengths. The CWDM module features wide channel bandwidth (13nm). Its isolation i...
FiberWDM’s CWDM Technology uses ITU standard 20nm spacing between the wavelengths, from 1270nm to 1610nm. Our CWDM module has 2 to 18 channels. The central wavelength of each channel is specified to one of the ITU-T grid wavelengths. The CWDM module features wide channel bandwidth (13nm). Its isolation i... 业务QQ:547247027 601627981郭小姐 工程技术沟通:QQ:674810288 电话:15919957497 18924585948 王先生 Jiang Fan Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen City approved the establishment of the national industry and commerce authorities , is a professional design and... 业务QQ:547247027 601627981郭小姐 工程技术沟通:QQ:674810288 电话:15919957497 18924585948 王先生 Jiang Fan Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen City approved the establishment of the national industry and commerce authorities , is a professional design and...
Tech@126.com业务QQ:547247027 601627981郭小姐工程技术沟通:QQ:674810288送货方式:1、快速(默认顺丰),快递费用请联系确定。2、物流3、公司专车送货(仅限深圳市内需要送货上门的客户请联系客服,并在订单里注明一下.)4、上门提货(提货前请跟业务员联系)技术支持与服务原则深圳江帆通信器材有限公司一贯以“用户满意”作为公司的...
The WA-1100 system uses a different signal processing Technique to provide the fastest update rate of 10 Hz for CW signals only.测量范围:700 - 1650 nm (181 - 428 THz)精确度:1 ppm分辨率:0.001 nm光纤输入:FC/APC...
Technology. It features small size, high reliability, wide operating wavelength range and good channel-to-channel uniformity, and is widely used in kinds of fiber sensor system, fiber optic gyro system and other application in aerospace field. provides whole series of 1xN and 2xN whole series PM Splitt...
TechNOLOGY CO.,LTDSIR.向 mol:18320750506FAX:0755-27767602 QQ:49142639E-mail:sales@sanlioc.com