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首页 > 包含“Tech”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 501 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [波分复用器件] 深圳易捷通光电 Speed Photon Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer DWDM

      日期:2018-05-05 16:16:09点击:3489

      Technology and available in 8-or 8+1-channel configurations. Optical performance is excellent with low insertion loss and excellent temperature stability. Performance Specification Parameter Unit 8Channel Center Wavelength nm ITU Grid Cha...

    • [其它类别] 无尘高温试验箱,洁净烘箱,无尘烤箱,百级无尘烘箱,无尘干燥箱,百级无尘烤箱,100级洁净烤箱

      日期:2017-06-07 14:16:01点击:1269

      Tech温度控制器,控制器LED数字显示及设定、PID自动演算、薄膜设定,精确度±0.3%FS。;   讯号来源:采用PT100热电阻±0.5%。   输出被控制组件:SSR无接点讯号输出。4、完善的安全保护措施:漏电断路器、     控制线路保险丝装置、 超温防止保护装置、 电热过电流保护装置、马达过电流保护...

    • [其它生产测试] 现货出售KEYSIGHT8163B,agilent8163A -- 超长保修

      日期:2017-04-11 16:42:55点击:2772

      现货出售KEYSIGHT8163B,agilent8163A ,欢迎订购联系。8163A特价促销,8163A现货销售,8163A光波万用表的产品介绍:安捷伦/是德 Agilent 8163A详细资料:Agilent Technologies 8163A光波万用表是一种基本测量工具,模块配置灵活,可对测试解决方案轻松实施控制。这款大型主机可用于光元件测试。主要技术规格显示:图形显示,190 x 300点...

    • [光纤光缆] 皮线光缆厂家_自承式皮线光缆GJXTFH

      日期:2017-03-27 17:01:45点击:3073

      Technology Co., Ltd.(www.gzycxin.com) is a China Guangzhou optical fiber and cable providers, mainly production of optical fiber and cable, rubber insulated wire cable, security cable, outdoor optical cable, Muronai Hikaru, optical transceiver, optical fiber transceiver, optical fiber jumper pin and...

    • [功率计] 现货出售agilent81635A双通道功率计多个

      日期:2017-02-08 10:05:00点击:2166

      TechNOLOGY CO.,LTDSIR.向  mol:18320750506FAX:0755-27767602  QQ:49142639E-mail:sales@sanlioc.comhttp://www.sanlioc.com/ 欢迎给我MAIL或电话,期待与您的良好合作!!!...

    • [其它生产测试] 销售安捷伦83437A 宽带光源

      日期:2017-01-05 15:14:35点击:1466

      主要特性与技术指标 High power density allows high measurement rangeSingle-mode fiber output, angled connector optionModulation input: up to 100 kHz for applications using lock-in Techniques or external control (on/off)寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...

    • [光开关] D2X2B光开关

      日期:2017-01-04 14:14:38点击:1462

      TechnologyOptical path without glue      Latching or non-latching Parameters   D2×2B Wavelength range  nm 670~980 1260~1650 Testing wavelength  nm 670/785/850/980 1310/1490/1...

    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦 4280A LCR表

      日期:2016-12-21 16:43:29点击:1301

      描述As a courtesy to customers, on this page you can find PDF versions of some of the Technical literature for this product. The 4280A was discontinued on November 1, 2000 and is under support through December 31, 2005.Note: Discontinued means that the product is no longer sold, while obsolete means that...

    • [其它生产测试] 藤仓FSM-30R光纤熔接机

      日期:2016-12-19 14:28:48点击:1795

      Fujikura FSM-30R – Now the well-proven and market-leading mass fusion splicing Technology of previous Fujikura products is provided in an extremely small and lightweight Mini Mass Fusion Splicer. This compact device brings a new level of productivity and capability to mass fusion splicing. It can splice two,...

    • [其它生产测试] EXFO IQ203温控仪

      日期:2016-12-16 11:14:09点击:1104

      Technology) and the C.N.R.C. (Canadian National Research Council).Exfo IQ-203 Repair If your unit does not pass calibration, we will quote a complete repair and get your mainframe back to you in working condition.寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...