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首页 > 包含“division”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 34 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [波分复用器件] 科海 1分8通道粗滤波片波分复用器CWDM

      日期:2014-04-23 12:11:34点击:3173

      division Multiplexing)是粗波分复用系统中的最重要器件之一。CWDM具有成本低、功耗低、体积小、组网方式灵活等特征,致使目前CWDM系统被广泛使用。该图片为科海公司提供的16通道CWDM,其中的16个波长皆为可选波长,出纤长度也可以选择裸纤、0.9mm或2.0mm松套管,封装方式(盒式、机箱式、插片盒式)可以根据客户的实际使用要求进行定...

    • [波分复用器件] 山东招远鲁川光通讯- CWDM粗波分复用器

      日期:2014-02-24 14:15:00点击:3290

      division Multiplexer (CWDM) devices demonstrate low loss and reliable performances. These devices show broad passband and high isolation, making them ideal for operation with inexpensive, uncooled lasers. They are low cost products for the CATV and metro/access markets. Easily customizable, LUCHUAN C...

    • [波分复用器件] 2umWDM

      日期:2013-06-18 11:36:30点击:2737

      Description: The 2 μm Filter Wavelength division Multiplexer series is based on environmentally stable thin-film filter technology. The devices combine or separate light at different ...

    • [激光器] LC94系列100-300mW 980nm泵浦激光器模块

      日期:2013-06-18 11:33:14点击:3331

      division multiplexing (DWDM) EDFAs• CATV Applications Operating CharacteristicsConditions unless otherwise stated: Case temperature -20 to 75 ºC                         ...

    • [激光器] LC96系列400-600mW 980nm泵浦激光器模块

      日期:2013-06-18 11:33:05点击:3066

      division multiplexing (DWDM) EDFAs• CATV Applications Operating CharacteristicsConditions unless otherwise stated: Case temperature -20 to 75 ºC                         ...

    • [激光器] LC95系列300-400mW 980nm泵浦激光器模块

      日期:2013-06-18 11:32:58点击:2660

      division multiplexing EDFA l CATVSpecifications:• Operating CharacteristicsParameterMinTypMaxUnitThreshold current(lth) 3545mAOperating drive current (lf)A thru F  650mA G thru L  700mAForward voltage 1.92.5VCentre wavelength (λc) 974 nm...

    • [激光器] TSL-710 高性能可调谐激光器

      日期:2013-05-29 09:25:49点击:2190

      division Multiplexing (DWDM) such as multi-input, high extinction ratio devices such as Wavelength Selective Switch (WSS). The TSL-710 has excellent wavelength characteristics with high wavelength accuracy of +/-2pm, high wavelength resolution of 0.1pm, and narrow linewidth of <100kHz, features that make i...

    • [滤波器] CWDM component

      日期:2012-07-03 09:04:51点击:3622

      Primanex’s Coarse Wavelength division Multiplexer (CWDM) devices demonstrate low loss and reliable performances. These devices show broad passband and high isolation, making them ideal for operation with inexpensive, uncooled lasers. They are low cost products for the CATV and metro/access markets.Easily cu...

    • [其它光无源器件] 980/1550拉锥WDM

      日期:2012-05-21 15:02:35点击:2953

      division Multiplexer  ...

    • [] 2.4G无线功率放大器

      日期:2009-06-01 00:00:00点击:250

      运作在2.4GHz ISM频段的高效能双向放大器。使用独特的Time division Duplex (TDD)技术来扩展无线射频的通讯距离。直流电注入器透过射频馈电缆提供室外功率放大器电源,无需额外配电。有多种接头可供客户选择。标准产品有双端接头皆为N类连接器之,以及一端为N类连接器,另一端为SMA类连接器。...