安捷芯的CWDM4 mux/Demux AWG 组件是一种基于Silica PLC平面光波导技术的阵列波导光栅产品,能够替代光模块中的TFF(薄模滤波器),是更具性价比的高速率光模块的解决方案。 主要特性 •高稳定性和高可靠性 &nb...
描述4*25G CWDM PLC DEmux 晶条基于AWG技术和硅基材料制造技术,实现四路O-Band CWDM波长光信号的合波和分波。DEmux芯片输入输出端口在左右两侧,可应用于4*25G CWDM ROSA中。特点•CWDM波长•PLC_AWG技术•采用二氧化硅材料•插入损耗小, 带宽大,尺寸小•Pitch =250μm•晶圆切割成晶条后...
描述4*25G CWDM PLC mux 晶条基于AWG技术和硅基材料制造技术,实现四路O-Band CWDM波长光信号的合波和分波。mux芯片输入输出端口在芯片的同一侧,可应用于4*25G CWDM TOSA,可以减小TOSA尺寸,同时根据客户需求也可以批量提供输入输出端口在左右两侧的mux芯片。特点•CWDM波长•PLC_AWG技术•采用二氧化硅材料•...
mux/Demux option can be attached to perform N x 64 kb/s and multiplexer/demultiplexer measurements and measurements between different hierarchies. The jitter generation/measurement option can be used to measure jitter tolerance, output jitter and jitter transfer.The MP1520B is suitable for evaluating installe...
Half-size Optical Test System MainframeThe AQ8203 Halfsize Frame is for specification evaluation of WDM-related devices such as mux/DEmux, AWG and EDFA.Lineup of modules, such as light sources including WDM DFB-LD, optical attenuators and optical power meters, are ready to realize various applications. They a...
Half-size Optical Test System MainframeThe AQ8203 Halfsize Frame is for specification evaluation of WDM-related devices such as mux/DEmux, AWG and EDFA.Lineup of modules, such as light sources including WDM DFB-LD, optical attenuators and optical power meters, are ready to realize various applications. They a...
mux D=Demux 21=1560.61nm 23=1558.98nm… 1=裸纤 2=900um紧套管 1=1 米 2=2 米 0=无 1=FC/APC 2=FC/PC 3=SC/APC 4=SC/PC 5=ST 6=LC ...
mux D=Demux C21=1560.61nm C23=1558.98nm 1=Bare Fiber 2=900um Fiber 3=3mm Cable 1=1 米 2=2 米 0=无 1=FC/APC 2=FC/PC 3=SC/APC 4=SC/PC 5=ST 6=LC ...