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首页 > 产品信息 > > > 供应Agilent hp81530A/81531A/81533A/81536A 光源模块

供应Agilent hp81530A/81531A/81533A/81536A 光源模块

发布时间:2015-01-23 信息有效期:1000天 浏览:1666举报
供应Agilent hp81530A/81531A/81533A/81536A 光源模块
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  • 所在区域:广东省 - 深圳市
  • 有效日期:1000天
  • 信息类型:产品信息
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Product Description
HP 81530A Optical Power Sensor
Specifications at a glance for the 81530A
Sensor Type: Si
Wavelength Range: 450–1020 nm
Power Range: +3 to -100 dBm
Accuracy: ±2.5% (600–1020 nm)
Additional Information:
Linearity: ±0.015dB ±0.3pW
Optical Module Connector Interfaces are sold separately. One connector is needed:
81000FI: FC/PC N-Keying (2.20mm nominal)
81000KI: SC/PC
81000VI: ST/PC

HP 81531A / Agilent 81531A Power Sensor
The 8153A has a dual channel display. For each channel there is a main display with six digits and an auxiliary display with eight characters. The 8153A can function as a half-channel power meter or light source or as a loss/return-loss test set. Each of the four power sensor modules is calibrated over its entire wavelength range and is traceable to NIST and PTB for precise optical power measurements. Their excellent linearity and high stability provide the basis for precise determination of optical insertion loss for both single-mode and multi-mode components.
The source modules for the system offer very good short-term and long-term stability. The high output power can be internally attenudated by up to 6 dB. All sources ouput CW or pulse-modulated light.
· Display power range: +30 to -110 dBm
· Data acquisition memory: 500 measurement results/channel
· Power sensor modules:
o Wavelength range: 450-1020 nm 800-1700 nm
o Power range: 81530A: +3 to -100 dBm 81531A: +3 to -90 dBm 81532A: +3 to -110 dBm 81536A: +3 to -70 dBm
o Display resolution: 0.001 dB/dBm 0.01 pW to 10 pW
o Accuracy: +/-2.5% (Total uncertainty: +/-5%)
o Noise (peak to peak): 81530A: <0.5pW 81531A: <1.5 pW 81532A: <0.5 pW 81536A: <50 pW
· Optical heads:
o Wavelength ranges: 450-1020 nm 900-1700 nm 800-1650 nm
o Display resolution: 0.001 dB/dBm 0.01 pW to 10 pW
o Accuracy: +/- 2.2% (81533B 81525A: +/- 3.0%)
o Noise (peak to peak): 81533B 81520A: <0.5pW; 81533B 81521B: <50 pW; 81533B 81521B (#001): <600 pW; 81533B 81524A: <5 pW; 81533B 81525A: <500 pW
· HP-IB interface
Agilent 81533A Optical Head Interface Module
The Agilent / HP 81533A & 81533B interface modules operate with the 815xx optical head and 8153 8163 and 8164 mainframes. Agilent Technologies does not publish specifications for the 81533A or 81533B interface modules as it must always operate with an optical head and mainframe. The 81533A module can be used with optical heads: 81521B and 81524A.

Agilent 81536A
The HP 81536A optical power sensor module is designed for use in the HP lightwave multimeter mainframes.
Product Specs:
· Sensor Element: InGaAs
· Wavelength Range: 800 - 1700nm
· Power Range: +3 to -70dBm
· Uncertainty at Reference Conditions: 2.5% (1000 - 1650nm)
· Total Uncertainty: 5% 50pW (1000 - 1650nm)
关键字供应Agilent hp81530A/81531A/81533A/81536A 光源模块
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