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首页 > 产品信息 > 生产测试 > 频谱分析仪 > 出售 AgilentDSOX6002A 示波器: 1 GHz的 - 6 GHz的,双通道

出售 AgilentDSOX6002A 示波器: 1 GHz的 - 6 GHz的,双通道

发布时间:2014-05-20 信息有效期:30天 浏览:1603举报
出售 AgilentDSOX6002A  示波器: 1 GHz的 - 6 GHz的,双通道
  • 信息分类:生产测试 - 频谱分析仪
  • 所在区域:广东省 - 深圳市
  • 有效日期:30天
  • 信息类型:产品信息


New bandwidth standard

  • 115 uVrms noise floor at 1 mV/div (1 GHz)
  • Standard hardware bandwidth limit control
  • Only 6” (15 cm) deep, 15 lbs (6.8 kg)

New visualization standard

  • > 450,000 wfms/sec update rate
  • 12.1-inch capacitive multi-touch screen with hardware-based InfiniiScan Zone trigger
  • Standard histogram and color grade
  • Optional jitter and real-time eye diagram analysis

New integration standard

  • The power of 6 instruments in 1: oscilloscope, 16 digital channels (MSO models), serial protocol triggering and decoding, integrated dual-channel function/arbitrary waveform generator, integrated 10-digit counter and totalizer
  • Fully upgradable, including bandwidth


The InfiniiVision 6000 X-Series oscilloscopes combine price and performance to set a new standard in the portable performance oscilloscope world. These oscilloscopes are designed for the most demanding engineers who want bandwidth, visualization power and the flexibility that comes with integrated capabilities, in a portable package with a familiar embedded OS user interface; all at an affordable price.

With the industry’s largest 12.1-inch capacitive touch screen with multi-touch and voice control, you may be surprised just how easy it is to use the InfiniiVision 6000 X-Series. It is “designed for touch,” so you spend less time setting up your scope and more time designing and testing. And capabilities such as the innovative InfiniiScan Zone touch trigger let you simply draw a box around the signals of interest, and the scope creates the trigger for you.

Plus the 6000 X-Series set the new visualization standard with an ultra-fast 450,000 waveforms-per-second update rate that lets you see more of your signal behavior so you have more confidence in your design. Standard segmented memory, histogram, and color grade provide more insights. Optional jitter and real time eye diagram visualize the signal integrity performance of your signals.

Each 6000X-Series oscilloscope comes standard with one probe per channel. 

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联系人:呼先生 13982098642

关键字通道 GHz AgilentDSOX6002A 出售
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