The WA-1100 system uses a different signal processing technique to provide the fastest update rate of 10 Hz for CW signals only.测量范围:700 - 1650 nm (181 - 428 THz)精确度:1 ppm分辨率:0.001 nm光纤输入:FC/APC...
WA-1600 Wavemeter systems are instruments designed for simple automatic and accurate wavelength measurement of continuous wave (CW) laser sources. Wavemeter systems count interference fringes produced by the input laser radiation in a scanning Michelson interferometer and simultaneously count fringes from a...
Features:Absolute optical wavelength measured to the highest guaranteed accuracy of ?0.2 ppmContinuous calibration with built-in wavelength standardOperation with CW modulated and SONET/SDH signals...
供应EXFO WA-7100 光波长计产品说明WA-7600、WA-7100可以进行如下项目的测量1. 波长的测量:光波长及谱宽的精确测量,ITU-T grid 中心波长的测量2. 功率的测量:峰值功率、积分功率的测量 3. 光信噪比测量 4. DWDM系统及器件的测试,可以同时分析测量多达256个通路的通道特性5. 波长、功率漂移测量以及实时监控 WA-760...
可调光衰减器—FVA-60B描述 这种可调光衰减器在现场和实验室一样使用。其具有相当高的技术指标。从2.5~70dB,线性度为±0.15dB分辨力为0.05dB,重复性为±0.10dB。是我们各种应用的优先选择,对实验室或现场的各种工作,FVA-60B是理想的选择。低的背向反射>40dB 使用程序模式自动设置衰减值 标准的通...