产品特点 S 芯片COC全工艺国产,自主可控 S 与主流厂家结构尺寸一致,兼容性强 S 性价比高,交期短,供货快,需求订制,快速迭代 产品应用 S 蝶形或小box封装的SOA,用于高速业务信号的光放大 S 集成在100G光模块的ROSA或TOSA中,提高光功率预算 S 用于硅光子集成...
3620B synthesized sweeper for applications requiring the high performance and accuracy of a synthesized source and the speed and versatility of a sweep oscillator. Synthesized broadband frequency coverage and precise 1 Hz frequency resolution (Opt 008) are generated by indirect synthesis, enabling the Keysigh...
3620B synthesized sweeper for applications requiring the high performance and accuracy of a synthesized source and the speed and versatility of a sweep oscillator. Synthesized broadband frequency coverage and precise 1 Hz frequency resolution (Opt 008) are generated by indirect synthesis, enabling the Keysigh...
产品描述LDX-3620B是电池供电的,超低噪声电流源,用于窄线宽或稳定波长激光二极管的应用进行了优化。所有新的仪器提供精确的电流输出<100 nA的均方根噪声和<10ppm的稳定性。该电流源可在恒流或恒功率运行模式两个输出范围之一进行操作。此外,两个交流或直流耦合调制输入,粗细,可以控制电流源进行精确的激光二极管波长或线宽...
电池供电的双量程200 mA/500毫安激光二极管电流源<100 nA的均方根噪声在电池模式在一小时内优于10 ppm的稳定性恒定电流和恒定功率操作模式激光二极管的保护和错误检测电路可保护激光二极管在所有工作模式超长寿命电池可以操作多达16个小时不充电电池充电模式与前面板的电量指示符号本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪...