40Gb/s, 100Gb/s transmission testWDM wavelength tuningASE noise filteringPulse shapingNext generation bundle wavelength OXC本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村路221号8楼TEL:0755-86641139联系人,王先生:1371...
40Gb/s and 100Gb/s. Overview:The OTF-970 line up consists of two versions depending on transmission bandwidth range and slope shape. The Standard type has 0.1 to 15nm adjustable bandwidth with a filter slope of 200dB/nm, and the ultra-fine type has 0.08 to 4nm bandwidth tuning with our steepest filter s...
40Gb/s应用 ◆ 数据中心局域网/存储区网络 技术指标: 连接器性能: 连接器性能 插入损耗(平均值) 插入损耗(最大值) MPO 低损耗(MM) 0.10dB 0.30dB MPO标准损耗(MM) 0.20dB 0.50dB 光纤传输性能: 光纤型号 OM3 50/125um OM4 50/125um (850/1300...
40Gb/s and 100Gb/s applications, including next-generation High Speed Ethernet (40GbE and 100GbE). Pluggable CFP, CFP2 and CFP4 transceivers will support the ultra-high bandwidth requirements&nbs...
产品特点 低插入损耗,提供最大的传输光功率 独立的直流偏置可提高长期稳定性和可靠性 高调制消光比 性能价格比高 符合 Telcordia GR-468-CORE 要求 应用领域 40Gb/s 高速传输设备 科学研究 ...