—— 主要特点 ——l 全新的马达驱动程序,使机器更快更稳定l 8秒快速熔接,40秒加热,全世界最快的熔接机l 体积小,重量轻,工程携带极为方便l 系统自检功能,确保熔接机随时处于最佳工作状态l 5英寸彩色LCD显示屏,放大光纤256倍l 三维图像处理功能,可同时观测X轴、Y轴方向l 暂停功...
AMSung and ZTE in September 2002 with the aim of creating an open market for cellular base stations. The idea behind this initiative was that an open market would su...
AMSung Widepass nearly eliminate the "water peak" attenuation peak and allow for full operation of all 18 ITU CWDM channels in metropolitan networks.CWDM wave gridBandNomenclatureWavelength(...
AMS GP-IB 通信接口...
AMS for easy diagnostics. This information is available on the full color display or through VXIbus or RS-232 connection. A front panel diagnostics connector allows continuous local or remote system monitoring. This mainframe also complies with the VXI specification by providing injector surface rails use...
AMS GP-IB 通信接口...
科思捷光电加工各种棱镜,包括直角棱镜,五角棱镜,五角分光棱镜,角锥,保罗棱镜,道威棱镜,斜方棱镜,布儒斯特棱镜,等边棱镜,屋脊棱镜以及客户定做产品。 棱镜 屋脊棱镜 保罗棱镜 三角棱镜 斜方棱镜 五角分光棱镜 角锥棱镜 直角棱镜 道威棱镜 五角棱镜 ...
AMSp.. Laser Line Non-Polarization BeAMSp.. Broadband Dielectric BeAMSplitter.. Broadband Non-Polarization BeAMSp...