DEErrors在间隔短0.1 sec.Zero等待时间计数器栅极被检测在短期内取得 寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...
DEErrors在间隔短0.1 sec.Zero等待时间计数器栅极被检测在短期内取得。 寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...
DEErrors在间隔短0.1 sec.Zero等待时间计数器栅极被检测在短期内取得。 寻找更多货源请登录:www.wl95.com或拨打电话0755-86016691。...
DEEp timing analysisMagniVu™ technology provides 500 ps timing resolution on all channels all the time through the same probeSimultaneous state and high speed timing analysis through the same probes pinpoints elusive faultsBroad processor and bus support universal source code support for correlating hig...
DEEp timing analysisMagniVu™ technology provides 500 ps timing resolution on all channels all the time through the same probeSimultaneous state and high speed timing analysis through the same probes pinpoints elusive faultsBroad processor and bus support universal source code support for correlating hig...
DEEp memory and application-specific software make the TDS7000 Series a high-performance jitter and timing analysis tool.Superior probing performance is critical the fidelity of your measurement system. The P7260 6 GHz active probe faithfully acquires real-time signal information from high-speed designs with ...
Features特点: v Low loss低损耗 v High Isolation in All Ports高隔离度 v High Reliability高可靠性 Applications应用: v WDM Syst...
远程MEMS光开关系统 产品描述: RMS光开关系统可实现多通道本地按键切换及远程切换。可通过光开关切换以监测、获取网络通信状态,为光信号远程切换提供完善可靠的解决方案。广泛应用于光传感、光通信、网络监测、远程控制等领域。 技术参数: 参 数 ...
产品描述 : 多波长DFB光源系为满足多个组合光源需求所开发的光源。产品采用进口激光器和高效的驱动电路,保证系统光功率输出稳定。可实现任意波长光源组合,内部集成MEMS光开关,可通过面板按键或RS-232接口实现波长切换。 技术参数: 参 数 单 位 ...
产品描述 : 多波长DFB光源系为满足多个组合光源需求所开发的光源。产品采用进口激光器和高效的驱动电路,保证系统光功率输出稳定。可实现任意波长光源组合,内部集成MEMS光开关,可通过面板按键或RS-232接口实现波长切换。 技术参数: 参 数 单 位 ...