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首页 > 包含“EXTREME”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 19 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [球面透镜] CaF2 Window 红外窗片

      日期:2021-10-15 12:37:25点击:1580

      EXTREMEly critical, it should be of high purity and polish in order not to affect the optical system. Calcium Fluoride Windows are also applicable for a wide range of spectrum. It is particularly useful for wavelength at 2980nm laser application. 1.Useful transmission over the spectral range from 0.2 to ...

    • [其它生产测试] 藤仓FSM-30R光纤熔接机

      日期:2016-12-19 14:28:48点击:1754

      Fujikura FSM-30R – Now the well-proven and market-leading mass fusion splicing technology of previous Fujikura products is provided in an EXTREMEly small and lightweight Mini Mass Fusion Splicer. This compact device brings a new level of productivity and capability to mass fusion splicing. It can splice two,...

    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦E8403A C 型 VXI 主机

      日期:2016-12-09 14:19:56点击:1139

      EXTREMEly quiet and efficient cooling. Basic mainframe monitoring of the E8403A indicates normal operating conditions at a glance. A front panel diagnostics connector allows continuous local or remote system monitoring. This mainframe also complies with the VXI Specification by providing injector surface rail...

    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦5372A 频率与时间间隔分析仪

      日期:2016-12-06 09:07:58点击:1026

      EXTREMEly high speeds. The 5372A can make up to 13.3 million measurements per second for signals with a frequency range of up to 500 MHz. An optional channel expands the range to 2 GHz. The 5372A combines a choice of over 60 arming and triggering configurations with built-in analysis functions including math,...

    • [其它生产测试] 惠普 5371A频率与时间间隔分析仪

      日期:2016-12-06 09:01:58点击:937

      Agilent/HP/5371A/频率与时间间隔分析仪。Description: The Agilent HP 5371A is a Frequency and Time Interval Analyzer. The HP Agilent 5371A is a general-purpose modulation domain analyzer that captures frequency or time intervals at EXTREMEly high speeds. The HP Agilent 5371A combines a choice of over 60 arming ...

    • [其它生产测试] 安捷伦 4156A半导体参数分析仪

      日期:2016-06-21 14:30:59点击:1007

      he Hewlett Packard 4156A Precision Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer is an EXTREMEly useful tool for characterizing semiconductor devices. It has up to four probes that can serve as voltage sources, current sources, voltage monitors, and current monitors. These probes are designed to be programmed through a me...

    • [其它类别] 6COM 供应兼容思科/CISCO SFP光模块 GLC-ZX-SM

      日期:2016-03-15 14:58:23点击:1855

      EXTREME 等109个品牌交换机及其他符合SFP规范的交换机上。单多模、可插拔的光模块 适应的工作环境温度:0-70℃ -40-85℃ 封装类型:SFP, SFP+,GBIC,XFP,X2,XENPAK,CWDM.DWDM 高品质,出场价,一年保质期产品介绍:品牌:思科/Cisco型号:GLC-ZX-SM接口类型:LC线缆类型:SFP传输距离:80(km)速率:1.25G...

    • [] WIN PMD 3633 PMD分析仪

      日期:2015-10-22 11:25:57点击:1436

      产品描述WIN-PMD is an interferometric PMD analyzer meeting all PMD measurement requirements in one turn-key, stand-alone package. It is the ideal tool for fast, stable, and EXTREMEly accurate measurements from 0.06 to 80 ps on installed cables or in fiber manufacturing....

    • [其它光无源器件] NKT Photonics 公司SuperK EXTREME系列高功率超连续白光光源

      日期:2015-09-22 11:26:25点击:11722

      SuperK EXTREME系列高功率超连续白光光源  特点:v  波段从260nm到2400nm;v  可见光输出功率高;v  紫罗兰,白光,红光三种增强模块;v  工业化可靠性,使用寿命长;v  可在线调节光脉冲重复频率;v  即插即用多种滤波器配件;v  具有功率反馈装置v&...

    • [其它光无源器件] NKT Photonics 公司SuperK EXTREME系列高功率超连续白光光源

      日期:2015-09-22 11:26:19点击:11776

      SuperK EXTREME系列高功率超连续白光光源  特点:v  波段从260nm到2400nm;v  可见光输出功率高;v  紫罗兰,白光,红光三种增强模块;v  工业化可靠性,使用寿命长;v  可在线调节光脉冲重复频率;v  即插即用多种滤波器配件;v  具有功率反馈装置v&...