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首页 > 包含“Multi”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 329 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [光收发模块] DWDM 10G/25G 可调SFP光模块

      日期:2022-04-12 10:43:45点击:2564

      Key Features· Port agnostic (automatic wavelength adaptation, compliant to ITU-T G.698.4, ex. G.metro)· Hot-pluggable SFP footprint· Supports Multirate 9.83~25.78 Gbps· 20 channels at 100 GHz spacing· Operating case temperature 0°C to 70°C· Single 3.3V power sup...

    • [光收发模块] Tunable Laser Optical Sub-Assembly XMD 可调激光器

      日期:2022-04-09 13:07:04点击:3223

      Multiple epitaxial growths, and need Multiple electrodes with complex control algorithms for wavelength tuning. As the dense wavelength division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology extends towards access and data center networks, the cost reduction and operational simplic...

    • [光收发模块] 2.5Gbps DWDM Multi-Rate Tunable SFP Transceiver 可调光模块

      日期:2022-03-18 16:22:49点击:2393

      Key Features· Port agnostic (automatic wavelength adaptation, compliant to ITU-T G.698.4, ex. G.metro)· Hot-pluggable SFP footprint· Supports 2.5 Gbps· 40km link length· 16 to 32 channels at 100 GHz spacing, or 32 to 64 channels at 50GHz spacing·&nb...

    • [光源] 脉冲窄线宽激光器

      日期:2022-02-23 15:43:49点击:812


    • [光源] 美国VIAVI光功率计OLP-85

      日期:2022-01-11 11:11:32点击:1860

      Multi-λ ):自动多波长检测调制检测270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz数据存储最多 10,000 个测试结果;绝对、相对功率(带时间标识),光纤检查图片电池工作时间>13 小时( LiON ) />11 小时(碱性干电池)预热时间无需预热① 条件:校准 波长 ±1nm , -20dBm (连续波), 23°C ±3K , SC /PC 陶瓷插芯, 9μm 光纤。② 配合 OLS-3x...

    • [波片] 光胶零级波片

      日期:2021-10-15 12:38:44点击:2158

      产品特点 Multiple Order waveplates(Low Order Waveplate) are made so that the relative phase change is larger than the required value by an integer Multiple of 2π. While the performance at the design wavelength can be essentially the same, chromatic dispersion has a stronger effect for thicker plates, so...

    • [波片] Low Order Waveplate 波片

      日期:2021-10-15 12:38:39点击:2177

      产品特点 Multiple Order waveplates(Low Order Waveplate) are made so that the relative phase change is larger than the required value by an integer Multiple of 2π. While the performance at the design wavelength can be essentially the same, chromatic dispersion has a stronger effect for thicker plates, so...

    • [波片] Dual Wavelength Waveplate 波片

      日期:2021-10-15 12:38:28点击:2117

      产品特点 Dual wavelengths waveplate is a Multiple waveplate that provide a specific retardance at two different wavelengths, it's particularly useful when used in conjunction with other polarization sensitive components to separate coaxial laser beams of different wavelength.产品参数Specifications:Materi...

    • [光衰减器] 步进可调光衰减器

      日期:2021-05-21 09:23:55点击:1602

      Variable Optical Attenuator  ApplicationsPower Balancing in Multichannel network  Gain-tilt Control in Optical Amplifier Pre-emphasis and power adjustment  Description · The Variable Optical Attenuat...

    • [其它光无源器件] MINI TAP PD

      日期:2021-03-19 10:05:42点击:1373

      MINI TAP PDFeatureCompact DesignHigh ResponsivityLow Insertion Loss and PDLLow Dark CurrentRoHS CompliantApplicationPower Control Monitoring For AmplifierOptical Add/Drop MultiplexingDWDM & CWDM SystemsOptical Monitoring For Switching SystemsSpecifications   ParametersUnitValuesOperating wa...