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    共搜索到 1523 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [二极管] 一根光纤探测器

      日期:2022-02-23 15:38:57点击:1450

      高响应数据速率 155M~5G多种尾纤 应用:光接收器(数字信号)光接收器(模拟信号)光学测试设备光中继器CATV传输系统  责任回波损耗温度公民社会组织CTB0.85A/W≤-45DB-40〜80℃ Ç6065 电气和光学特性( PO=5mW,TC=+25℃,除非另有说明。) 范围象征健康)状况最小类型最大限度单元带宽体...

    • [其它光无源器件] 定制保偏干涉仪模块

      日期:2022-02-18 09:50:49点击:1060

      性能参数 OM-FOI-PM 工作波长 (nm) 1550 干涉臂长度误差 (mm) <0.5 偏振消光比 (dB) >16 附加损耗 (dB) 1.2 回波损耗 (dB) >55 连...

    • [光纤连接器/跳线] 光纤连接器

      日期:2021-11-19 10:24:55点击:2841

      深圳中剑光电通信有限公司生产基地位于深圳光明新区,主要产品有光纤连接器、PLC光分路器等无源光器件产品订购联系     18588451913...

    • [棱镜] 斜方棱镜,高精度,价格优,各种规格镀膜要求可定制

      日期:2021-10-15 12:40:28点击:1737

      OId prisms, Photonchina has been satisfying customers worldwide by offering design and manufacturing service for more than decades. From first cut to final stage of production, we ensure that all products have been under strict quality control and thus conduct excellent performance in customer’s real use...

    • [棱镜] 偏振分光棱镜PBS,NPBS,分光片,超10年经验厂家

      日期:2021-10-15 12:40:26点击:2659

      OI,R<0.5%斜面:45° AOI,Tp>90%,Ts<0.1%,Tp/Ts>1000光洁度:60/40面形:λ/10光束偏转:<5'通光口径:>85% 消偏振分光棱镜(高功率NPBS)福州光骅达光电公司消偏振分光棱镜产品特点: 经分光棱镜分光后尽可能地保持入射光中原有水平偏振和垂直偏振的比例关系,P 光与S 光的的光学特性分离度<5%,色散低,颜色中性度...

    • [波片] 波片,四分之一波片,真零级波片,光通讯用波片

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:22点击:3888

      OIce of thickness, any degree of retardance may be achieved at any wavelength for which quartz is transparent. However, the minimum thickness necessary to achieve a mechanically strong part corresponds to several full waves of retardance.  Photonchina’s waveplate can transmit light and modify it...

    • [透镜] 柱面透镜-Fused Silica

      日期:2021-10-15 12:37:16点击:1225

      产品特点A cylindrical lens is a lens which focuses light into a line instead of a pOInt, as a spherical lens would. The curved face or faces of a cylindrical lens are sections of a cylinder, and focus the image passing through it into a line parallel to the intersection of the surface of the lens and a plane ...

    • [透镜] Achromatic Lens - Possive Fused Silica透镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:37:01点击:1272

      产品特点An axicon lens is a specialized type of lens which has a conical surface. An axicon images a pOInt source into a line along the optic axis, or transforms a laser beam into a ring. It can be used to turn a Gaussian beam into an approximation to a Bessel beam, with greatly reduced diffraction. Axicons l...

    • [激光器] 同轴激光器模块

      日期:2021-04-25 15:27:31点击:1463

      Coaxial Laser Module(1550nm TEC)1.Featuresl 1550nm direct modulation with cooled DFB-LD as Transmitterl Low nOIse, Low distortion Low threshold currentl Built-in InGaAs/PIN monitorl High reliability,Long opration life1.Featuresl 1550nm direct modulation with cooled DFB...

    • [其它类别] 光波导色散延迟线

      日期:2021-04-01 09:52:37点击:4227

      光波导色散延迟线 产品描述:四川梓冠的单片集成色散光延时芯片及组件,是基于厚膜SOI硅光子技术、将硅基波分复用器和硅波导延时回路单片集成的创新型产品。它具有0.5ps以下的超高延时精度,单片集成使其尺寸比传统器件小1个数量级,同时解决了多个光耦合界面引入的损耗、可靠性问题,是针对多波长光源的色散光控相控阵系统的理...

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