产品描述*500MHz带宽 *最高500MS/s采样率 *四通道 详细信息*时候距离、2ns毛刺、脉冲幅度异常,逻辑图及状况触发 *1mV/格-10V/格灵敏度 *有限余辉和可变余辉显示 *记实长度每通道50,000点 *8-bit垂直分辨率,高分辨率体例时*1%垂直精度*可选FFT,微分及积分*25种参数主动测量 *高分辨率彩色显示*3.5%26quot;DOS兼容磁盘...
产品描述The TDS540A Digitizing Oscilloscope is excellent for circuit design, R&D, manufacturing test, and telecommunication applications.详细信息Bandwidth: 500MHz*Samplers: 4*Channels: 4*Sample Rate: 1 GS/s (single channel)*500 MS/s (dual channels)*250 MS/s (four channels)*Record Length: 500 to 50,000 poi...
产品描述The TDS540A Digitizing Oscilloscope is excellent for circuit design, R&D, manufacturing test, and telecommunication applications.详细信息Bandwidth: 500MHz*Samplers: 4*Channels: 4*Sample Rate: 1 GS/s (single channel)*500 MS/s (dual channels)*250 MS/s (four channels)*Record Length: 500 to 50,000 poi...