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200LAmplifier Research 200L The AR 200L Amplifer, is a broadband air-cooled amplifier that features instaneous bandwidth, high gain and 200W CW output (400W pulsed). Specifications of the Amplifier Research 200L include: Frequency Range: 1 MHz to 200 MHzPower Output: 200 Watt CW / 400 ...
3671K50安立 Anritsu 3671K50 功率计 3671k50-1 Flexible Test Port Cable Pair Kf-m 25 Inches qty. 2 Problems & Solutions The Anritsu 3671K50-1 is a used High Frequency Flex Cable for Anritsu 37XXX Analyzers. Agilent HP 70950A光谱分析仪 Agilent HP 70950B光...
10S1G4Amplifier Research?10S1G4 10Watt CW, 0.8-4.2GHz Amplifier Solid state, self-contained, air-cooled, broadband amplifierFeatures:Power output @ 3dB compression: 18 Watts nominal, 13 Watts minimumPower output @ 1dB compression: 16 Watts nominal, 10 Watts minimumGain (at maximum setting) 40dB minim...
TT1000ABarfield?TT1000A??涡轮温度测绘仪 The TT1000A is a completely self-contained, battery powered, aircraft turbine temperature system tester capable of measuring system lead resistance, insulation, and performing indicator run-outs with a range up to1000 °C. The unit was specifically designed to ...
air distribution system in this mainframe provides extremely quiet and efficient cooling. Enhanced monitoring of the E8404A mainframe provides superior cooling control and details regarding temperatures throughout the mainframe, power supply voltages and currents, fans operation, system status, histo...
8504B 安捷伦 Agilent 8504B Reflectometer 504B惠普/安捷伦8504b功能. Return loss measurement range beyond 80 dB回波损耗的测量范围超出了80分贝. 25 μm two-event resolution (in air, 16 μm in glass) 25 μ m的两个事件的决议(在空气中, 16 μ m的玻璃). 1300 and 1550 纳米 wavelengths 1300...
air or parts are needed. 本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村路221号8楼TEL:0755-86641139联系人,王先生:13715327187 田先生:18123986106熊先生:13510605353深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司驻成都办事处成...