cable. All this potential in a 5.45" W 1.70" H x 13.43" D chassis that weighs less than 2.5 pounds without card(s).2 Slot Series...The 2 Slot system supports two full-length PCI cards. When equipped with 2 GL OC-3 / STM-1 cards, this unit enables complex analysis on OC-3 / STM-1 and STS-1/STM-0 signals. Quiet...
cable, with standard 600 Ohms termination mode only.VF Tx Gains for USB T1 E1 analyzer ranges from -7.2 dB dB to +18.2 dB in 0.1dB steps, and VF Rx Gains for USB T1 E1 analyzer ranges from -18.0 dB to +7.3 dB in 0.1 dB steps.Monitor the T1/E1 line conditions such as frame errors, violations, alarms, frequency...
cable 4=3mm cable 1=1m 2=2m S=Specify 0=None 1=FC/APC 2=FC/PC 3=SC/APC 4=SC/PC 5=ST 6=LC S=Specify ...
SFP+/QSFP+ DAC ü 低功率,低成本,低延时 ü SFP+ cable 可选长度 1/2/3/5/7/10/15 米 ü QSFP+ cable 可选长度 1/3/5 米 ü QSFP+ 连接 QSFP+和QSFP+ 连接4个SFP+ 可用 ü SFP+ DAC电缆(SFP+ cable、线缆) SFP+ DAC电缆,直接连接,采用的是无源式双轴电缆...
Spirent octoBox is a modern design specifically optimized for OTA signal coupling inside. OTA coupling demands superior isolation and anechoic conditions for repeatable and accurate measurements.Unlike competitors' systems, octoBox specifies isolation with data and power cables attached through the walls of t...
华拓40G QSFP+模块型号和规格 华拓40G QSFP+ cables 型号和规格 2、应用说明 (1)QSFP+SR4模块除了可以使用在40G端口直连的环境中,还可以使用在一端是40Gbps的QSFP+接口,另一端是4个10GbpsSFP+接口,中间通过12芯的MPO高密度光缆连接的环境中; (2)QSFP+LR4模块采用四个CWDM通道MUX/DEMUX设计,单通道速率1...
cables (Quadwire QDR and Quadwire FDR)....
cable(OFS-200)本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村路221号8楼TEL:0755-86641139联系人,王先生:13715327187 田先生:18123986106深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司驻成都办事处成都市武侯大道优博国际2-1018室TEL:0...
cable 4=3.0cable 0=none 1=SC/PC 2=SC/APC 3=FC/PC 4=FC/APC 5=ST 6=LC 7=LC/APC 8=E2000 S=Special 0=none 1=900um Loose tube 2=900um Jacket 3=2.0cable 4=3.0cable 0=0.5m 1=1m 2=1.5m 3=2m 4=3m 5=4m S=special 0=none 1=SC/PC 2=SC/APC 3=FC/PC 4=FC/APC 5=ST 6=LC 7=LC/APC 8=E200...