the tunable small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver is based on Lightip’s patented proprietary technology, the half-wave coupled V-cavity laser (VCL). With the advantages of compactness, fabrication simplicity and easy wavelength control of VCL, this tunable transceiver offers a cost-effective solu...
ther wavelengths available on request) Channel Spacing 50 or 100 GHz Number of Channels 16, 32, 40 @100GHz, or 32, 64, 80@50GHz Side Mode Suppression Ratio 35 38 ...
the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology extends towards access and data center networks, the cost reduction and operational simplicity have become more and more important.Lightip has developed a simple and compact tun...
ther wavelengths available on request) Channel Spacing50 or 100GHzNumber of ChannelsUp to 16@100GHz, or 32@50GHz Side Mode Suppression Ratio35 38-dBOptical Isolation25--dBRelative Intensity Noise---135dB/HzPowe...
the tunable small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver is based on Lightip’s patented proprietary technology, the half-wave coupled V-cavity laser (VCL). With the advantages of compactness, fabrication simplicity and easy wavelength control of VCL, this tunable transceiver offers a cost-effective solution...
聚酰亚胺涂覆层材料是工业光纤经常采用的耐高温聚合物,同时具备高拉伸强度、耐腐蚀与耐化学侵蚀。典型厚度15um,最高工作温度长期可达300℃,短期可达400℃,适合应用于埋入式光纤传感系统,其高强度与高硬度的特点使得在井下应用更加可靠。此种材料推荐剥离涂覆层时采用化学剥除方法。 ...
OPEAK外腔(ECL)单频激光二极管具有非常窄的线宽(典型值为500 kHz),输出功率最高达40 mW。内部集成ATC自动温度控制电路和ACC或APC驱动控制电路。为达到可能的最窄线宽,驱动电路的电流噪声极低,且设备在出厂前均经过参数优化以保证窄线宽和低噪声工作。...