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    共搜索到 1450 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [光开关] 机械光开关

      日期:2012-05-08 08:52:54点击:3126

      Product Description Primanex Opto-Mechanical Switches are based on mature micro-optics technique with proven reliability and simplicity. With the state of the art technology developed by Primanex, performances are optimized for a wide range of fiber-optic applications.  ...

    • [其它光无源器件] 波分复用器 WDM

      日期:2012-05-08 08:50:18点击:2484

      Primanex Pump-WDM components use mature thin-film interference filter technology to separate or combine pump laser and optical signals. With wide bandwidth, low insertion loss, high isolation, and low temperature dependent loss, they are ideal for use in optical amplifier and CATV applications. ...

    • [其它光无源器件] FRM 法拉第旋光反射镜

      日期:2012-05-08 08:48:55点击:2873

      Primanex Faraday Rotator Mirror (FRM) is the result of years of extensive experiences in magneto-optics technology. the components demonstrate low insertion loss and robustness against environmental variation, making them ideal candidates in the field applications of fiber-optics sensing systems, and test &...

    • [其它光无源器件] 波分复用模块

      日期:2012-05-08 08:46:58点击:2521

      Primanex DWDM multi-channel multiplexer /demultiplexer (Mux /DeMux)modules are available on ITU channel spacing of 200 and 100GHz. they demonstrate low loss, temperature insensitivity and reliable performance in any system application. Fixed Mux/DeMux modules offer low-cost wavelength management solution...

    • [熔接机] 供应藤仓(Fujikura) FSM-60S光纤熔接机

      日期:2012-04-17 21:13:59点击:4898

      the transit case ● Data and video download software included; software upgrade available via the internet ● Green friendly-RoHS & WEEE compliant Specifications: Applicable Fibers: SM(ITU-T G.652), MM (ITU-T G.651), DS (ITU -T G.653), NZDS (ITU-T G.655) and other single mode fiber including ITU-T G....

    • [光衰减损耗测试仪器] 光纤插回损测试仪ADIR161

      日期:2012-04-17 18:42:04点击:2963

      插损/回损一体化测试站 ADIR-161型光纤插回损测试仪是AtheNA开发研制出的带微处理器的精密光检测仪表,具有最佳的性能价格比。是用于光有源器件和光无源器件的回波损耗测试及设备装配检查、生产质量检测的最理想的测量工具,是光纤通信系统研究、开发和生产,以及施工、维护等部门必备的基本测试仪器。 ADIR-161型光纤插回损测试仪...

    • [光纤切割机] Athena牌红宝石光纤切割笔,光纤切割笔

      日期:2012-04-13 17:18:39点击:2178

      产品名称: Athena牌红宝石光纤切割笔,光纤切割笔,光纤划笔,笔式光纤切割刀,简易光纤切割刀产品特点:1.红宝石刀片宽达5.0mm,(平刃),采用优质超硬红宝石作为基材,经过精密切割,精细研磨而成刀片  2.刀片锋利,易切割  3.携带方便,手感良好  4.防护笔套,确保刀头不会意外受损使用方法:是配合...

    • [光隔离器] 在线型隔离器

      日期:2012-04-12 10:14:17点击:3335

      Primanex single stage optical isolator has minimum back reflection and back scattering in the reverse direction for any state of polarization. It provides a low cost solution with excellent performances including low insertion loss, high isolation and return loss, low polarization dependent loss (PDL) and low...

    • [熔接机] 古河Fitel/Furukawa S178A光纤熔接机

      日期:2012-04-10 09:49:29点击:4866

      FITEL NEW Fusion Splicer S178A the FITEL S178A Hand-Held Core-Alignment Fusion Splicer is the latest, state-of-the-art addition to the S17x series of splicers. By combining speed, precision, durability and portability in one unit, the S178A Fusion Splicer ushers in an entirely new range of applications for ...

    • [其它光无源器件] EPON ONU 光模块

      日期:2012-03-31 16:11:33点击:4044

      the-Loop (FITL) 产品信息产品编码 距离 速率 激光器/接收器 封装 发射功率 灵敏度 HQEONU-13S11L 10km 1.25Gb/s 1310nm LD/1490nm PIN 2X5 SFF -1~4 dBm ≤-26.5dBm HQEONU-23S11L 20km 1.25Gb/s 1310nm LD/1490nm PIN  2X5 SFF 0~4 dBm ≤-27.5dBm 订购信息 序号 参数 内容及描述 A 传输距离 1=10 Km 2=20 Km B 光接口 1=SC/UPC 2=...

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