产品名称: Athena牌红宝石光纤切割笔,光纤切割笔,光纤划笔,笔式光纤切割刀,简易光纤切割刀产品特点:1.红宝石刀片宽达5.0mm,(平刃),采用优质超硬红宝石作为基材,经过精密切割,精细研磨而成刀片 2.刀片锋利,易切割 3.携带方便,手感良好 4.防护笔套,确保刀头不会意外受损使用方法:是配合...
Primanex single stage optical isolator has minimum back reflection and back scattering in the reverse direction for any state of polarization. It provides a low cost solution with excellent performances including low insertion loss, high isolation and return loss, low polarization dependent loss (PDL) and low...
FITEL NEW Fusion Splicer S178A the FITEL S178A Hand-Held Core-Alignment Fusion Splicer is the latest, state-of-the-art addition to the S17x series of splicers. By combining speed, precision, durability and portability in one unit, the S178A Fusion Splicer ushers in an entirely new range of applications for ...
the-Loop (FITL) 产品信息产品编码 距离 速率 激光器/接收器 封装 发射功率 灵敏度 HQEONU-13S11L 10km 1.25Gb/s 1310nm LD/1490nm PIN 2X5 SFF -1~4 dBm ≤-26.5dBm HQEONU-23S11L 20km 1.25Gb/s 1310nm LD/1490nm PIN 2X5 SFF 0~4 dBm ≤-27.5dBm 订购信息 序号 参数 内容及描述 A 传输距离 1=10 Km 2=20 Km B 光接口 1=SC/UPC 2=...
the flame GND(sleeve) and signal GND(stem) are electrically insulated * wide-band RF gain block * XFP/300pin MSA optical transceiver ◆Description this ROSA is a low-cost receiver module with a miniaturized size for use in the XFP/300pin MSA optical transceiver and is assembled with LC receptacle by high po...
Description: Based on the well-known FSU 995 series, the FSU 995 PM comes with all the features you have come to expect from Ericsson’s fusion splicers – erbium splicing, thin core fiber splicing and attenuator making. Add the ability to splice PM fibers with an extremely high yield and you have a sure winn...
thernet (1250 Mb/s), OC-12 (622 Mb/s), and OC-3 (155 Mb/s) reference re 2个 ...
have a good Price,Original installation,insertion loss small, the quality is good;therefore, the such good product,suspends in front of you, what do you also hesitate?...
供应可调光源81689A 我公司特价供应81689A 可调光源模块, 成色不错,质量可靠,价格适中,欢迎前来洽谈选购. 81689A Tunable Light Source Module Description: This module features: Continuous sweep through full wavelength range Mode-hop free tuning over full wavelength range This module has the following...
深圳市首迈通信技术有限公司位于深圳市高新技术产业园留学生创业园内,是一家由归国留学生创办的民营高科技企业。公司成立于2002年9月,专业从事基于光纤到户(Fiber To the Home—FTTH)和光纤到桌面(Fiber To the Desktop—FTTD)第一英里宽带通信网络(也称全光接入网)设备及终端产品的研发、生产、销售及网络集成服务...