with FBG frequency locking.The drive circuit and TEC control ensure the safe operation of the laser,and the output power and spectrum stability.Suitable as a pumped laser source for fiber lasers or EDFA fiber amplifiers,can provide the benchtop or modular packages. 〖性能参数Performance Parameter〗...
withoutY=WitN=withoutY=with1310=1310nm1550=1550nm 2004=2004nmetcS=SMFiberP=PMFiberM=MMFiber1=1mw10=10mw 50=50mwetcFC/UPCFC/APCetc...
产品亮点 S SOA芯片全国产,工艺自主可控 S 与主流SOA厂家结构尺寸一致,兼容性强 S 性价比高,交期短,供货快,需求订制,快速迭代 产品应用 S 蝶形或小box封装的半导体光放大器,用于40G/100G高速业务的光放大 S 集成在100G光模块的ROSA中,提高光功率预算 S 硅...
产品特点 S 芯片COC全工艺国产,自主可控 S 与主流厂家结构尺寸一致,兼容性强 S 性价比高,交期短,供货快,需求订制,快速迭代 产品应用 S 蝶形或小box封装的SOA,用于高速业务信号的光放大 S 集成在100G光模块的ROSA或TOSA中,提高光功率预算 S 用于硅光子集成...
with display:L130 x W110 x H40(table height of cassette) Unit: mmwithout display:L120 x W90 x H22 Unit: mm13.针脚:S针脚 或 N针脚Pin: S pin or N pin▲另可定制,叠加正弦波,锯齿波,三角波等;调制频率为10KHzCan be customized, superimposed sine wave、Sawtooth wave...
without connector’s loss,and it isn’t include the loss in special environment....
without connector’s loss,and it isn’t include the loss in special environment.〖驱动管脚定义Drive pin definition〗针脚Pin No.Pin1Pin2Pin3Pin4Pin5Pin6定义DefinitionVCCGNDCtrl 0Ctrl 1NANA〖控制信号和切换状态Control signal and switching state〗表1:单向开关切换状态对应的引脚控制信号Table1: Pin control signal c...
with display:L130 x W110 x H40(table height of cassette) Unit: mmwithout display:L120 x W90 x H22 Unit: mm13.针脚:S针脚 或 N针脚Pin: S pin or N pin▲另可定制,叠加正弦波,锯齿波,三角波等;调制频率为10KHzCan be customized, superimposed sine wave、Sawtooth wave...
with temperatureΔλ/T稳定工作电流Steady operating current 0.1 nm/℃波长随电流变化漂移系数Wavelength drift coefficient with currentΔλ/I稳定工作温度Steady operating temperature 0.01 nm/mA热敏电阻ThermistorRthTtherm = 25ºC9.51010.5kΩ注意:气体检测中,根据HITRAN提供的吸收谱线数据...
within PBdB<0.35 in glassTransmission IL variation within PBdB<0.25 in glassReflection isolation within PBdB>13Transmission PDL within PBdB<0.1CW temp. sensitivitypm/℃<2Reflection(AR coating on backside)%<0.2A.O.I.°1.8±0.3Dimension (L*W)mm(1.4±0.05) * (1.4±0.05)...