1×2 光开关
发布时间:2013-05-13 信息有效期:30天 浏览:1873次 举报
- 信息分类:光无源器件 - 光开关
- 所在区域:广西省 - 桂林市
- 有效日期:30天
- 信息类型:产品信息
- 联 系 人:辛耀平
- 联系电话:0773-5881856
- 联系传真:0773-5881134
- 电子邮件:15977313159@163.com
The 1×2 series Optical Switches are based on Opto-mechanical technology with high reliable quality. These switches are designed for optical Multiplexers, cross-connect and network switching for fault/protection. are optimized for a wide range of fiber-optic applications. it consumes low electric energy to operate the optical switch..