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首页 > 包含“Filters”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 23 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [其它生产测试] 出售 维修 回收Santec-Programmable Optical Tunable Filter OTF-930

      日期:2014-09-12 14:14:32点击:2386

      It features full 80 nm improved tuning mechanics and improved low insertion loss. Low PDL and low PMD are also characteristic of Santec “linear sliding” Filters.OTF-930 equips GPIB and RS-232C control interface which enables remote control and data acquisition.Features:80nm tuning range, 0.01nm resolutionL...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售 维修 回收Santec——Programmable Optical Filters WSS-1000

      日期:2014-09-12 14:13:20点击:2104

      Santec’s proprietary LCOS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon) technology inside the WSS-1000 enables the user to program a limitless range of optical filtering, attenuation and switching schemes.The WSS-1000 is an enabling technology for investigating next generation optical networks by utilizing the filter as an op...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售 维修 租赁思博伦 octoBox USB测试前端

      日期:2014-08-14 16:59:36点击:1317

      Filters that guide data and power cabling into the chamber.本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村路221号8楼TEL:0755-86641139联系人,王先生:13715327187  田先生:18123986106熊先生:13510605353深圳市晧辰电...

    • [其它光有源器件] 出售agilent 86105a

      日期:2014-07-14 15:50:00点击:1883

      产品名称:AGILENT 86105A  One electrical channel: Up to 20GHz bandwidth, 1mV/div to 100mV/div scale factor; One optical channel: 980nm to 1625nm wavelength range, 9/125μm fiber input, 20GHz typical unfiltered bandwidth, -10dBm sensitivity, Options determine Filters; Requires mainframe. (83485A)Availab...

    • [其它生产测试] 供应维修 Agilent N2100A-H10 7 GHz 数字通信分析仪

      日期:2014-05-13 15:51:29点击:1597

      Filters (in software and/or hardware)Integral clock recovery for coherent measurements up to 3.0Gb/sExternal reference clock input (SMA)本公司提供销售 租赁 维修 回收光通讯测试仪器 仪表等业务,常备大量现货库存。需要的请联系。深圳市晧辰电子科技有限公司深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村路221号8楼TEL:0755-86641139联系人...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售 Agilent/HP 81611A/81612A/81613A 回损测试模块

      日期:2014-04-18 09:29:41点击:2041

      HP/Agilent 81611A回损模块The Agilent Return Loss Meters are ideal for making measurementson fast telecommunications systems, such as Filters, multiplexers, cross-connects,amplifiers and whole systems under test. They can also be deployed in bothR&D and production environments and are suitable for singlemo...

    • [其它生产测试] 出售 Agilent/HP 81534A 回损测试模块

      日期:2014-04-18 09:05:17点击:1167

      详细介绍81534A 回波损耗模块,InGaAs,60 dB/65dB回波损耗范围:1250-1600nm The Agilent Return Loss Meters are ideal for making measurements on fast telecommunications systems, such as Filters, multiplexers, cross-connects, amplifiers and whole systems under test. They can also be deployed in both R&D and ...

    • [其它生产测试] 86105A 光电模块

      日期:2014-01-09 10:38:20点击:2461

      Filters for compliance testing at 155, 622, 2488 or 9953 Mb/s are available.   深圳市诚讯腾科技有限公司长期回收以下各类光通信仪表:   1、光源系列:Agilent/HP 8164A/B、81680A/B、81640A/B、81642A/B、81680A/B、8168F、8168E、83437A、83438A、81689A、81554SM、81650A、81651A、81652A、81653A、81654A、8...

    • [其它生产测试] 供应Agilent 86105A/B眼图仪模块

      日期:2013-10-10 09:12:40点击:2540

       Agilent 86105B15 GHz Optical / 20 GHz Electrical Module for 86100A/B/C List of Options 012 Standard FC/PC optical connector (2.5 mm keyway) 101 9.953Gb/s, 10.3125Gb/s, 10.51875Gb/s, 10.664Gb/s, 10.709Gb/s receiver Filters and 15 GHz unfiltered bandwidth 102 155Mb/s, 622Mb/s, 2488...

    • [其它光无源器件] EOC 滤波片

      日期:2013-09-25 10:21:33点击:4425

      Filters- GPON/EPON Filters- DWDM Filters- CWDM Filters- LASER Filters- Customized Filters...