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首页 > 包含“Module”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 526 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [熔接机] 进口光纤熔接机 德国比翼A6S,皮线光缆熔纤机 联系18202235224

      日期:2022-05-27 09:53:32点击:4898


    • [熔接机] 德国比翼进口光纤熔接机,皮线光缆熔纤机BY-A6S,联系18202235224

      日期:2022-05-27 09:53:12点击:4197


    • [熔接机] 德国进口 光纤熔接机 比翼BY-A6 全自动皮线光缆熔纤机

      日期:2022-05-27 09:52:41点击:29720

      质保5年,终身维修,8天无理由退货(1)快速7秒,全自动17秒V型热缩;(2)双调芯结构,熔接成功率,损耗更低(3)基于PAS原理,采用图像检测算法实现(4)加强防震、防尘(5)低功耗设计,长时间工作(6)体积小,重量轻提高工作效率(7)根据环境不同,放电自动补偿;             &...

    • [熔接机] 德国比翼光纤熔接机BY-A6 新品上市

      日期:2022-05-27 09:51:42点击:25722


    • [其它光无源器件] 1570nm DFB激光器

      日期:2022-05-25 09:46:54点击:1859

      ModuleD=Desk-topN=WithoutY=WithN=没有Y=有1310=1310nm1550=1550nm1570=1570nm 2004=2004nmetcS=SMFiberP=PMFiberM=MMFiber1=2WFC/UPCFC/APCetc...

    • [光收发模块] 10Gb/s DWDM Tunable SFP Transceiver 可调光模块

      日期:2022-04-19 11:51:12点击:4008

      Module to automatically adapt its DWDM channel frequency, thus reducing the installation and maintenance cost.    The TSFP10D series single mode tunable SFP transceiver is hot-pluggable 20-pin duplex SFP Module compliant with SFF-8472 MSA. It is based on Lightip’s TLD-BD series tunable XMD TO...

    • [光收发模块] 2.5Gbps DWDM Multi-Rate Tunable SFP Transceiver 可调光模块

      日期:2022-03-18 16:22:49点击:2390

      Module to automatically adapt its DWDM channel frequency, thus reducing the installation and maintenance cost.The TSFP02D series single mode tunable SFP transceiver is hot-pluggable 20-pin duplex SFP Module compliant with SFF-8472 MSA....

    • [波片] 光胶零级波片

      日期:2021-10-15 12:38:44点击:2156

      产品特点 Multiple Order waveplates(Low Order Waveplate) are made so that the relative phase change is larger than the required value by an integer multiple of 2π. While the performance at the design wavelength can be essentially the same, chromatic dispersion has a stronger effect for thicker plates, so...

    • [激光器] 同轴激光器模块

      日期:2021-04-25 15:27:31点击:1405

      Coaxial Laser Module(1550nm TEC)1.Featuresl 1550nm direct modulation with cooled DFB-LD as Transmitterl Low noise, Low distortion Low threshold currentl Built-in InGaAs/PIN monitorl High reliability,Long opration life1.Featuresl 1550nm direct modulation with cooled DFB...

    • [波分复用器件] WDM波分复用器

      日期:2020-12-10 16:46:39点击:3204

      Module mm ABS -box 90*20*10 Insert-box 130x100x25 Metal LGX 155.5*129*29 Note: All the data are without connectors ,Insertion loss of one pair connector is less than 0.3dB. CWDM Specifications: Par...