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首页 > 包含“Polarizer”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 20 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [] 全光纤型偏振开关

      日期:2025-02-13 08:53:22点击:191

      Polarizer extinction ratiodB->30回波损耗Return LossdB>70>70Maximum currentmA70最大电压Maximum Voltage  V10开关时间Switching time  s<1<1工作温度Operating Temperature℃-5 to 70-5 to 70贮存温度Storage Temperature℃-40 to +85-40 to +85光纤类型Fiber type PANDAPANDA输入&输出光...

    • [晶体] YVO4晶体厚片,楔角片,钒酸钇晶体,光环形器元件

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:25点击:3096

      Polarizers and other polarizing optics, etc....

    • [棱镜] Glan Laser Polarizer格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:13点击:1521

      产品特点Glan laser prisms is a glan taylor Polarizer that is specially designed for high energy application. The side of housing is drilled two holes. The ordinary ray is reflected through an angle and exits the Polarizer through one of holes.  •   高偏振度  •   宽波...

    • [棱镜] Glan Thompson Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:08点击:1299

      产品特点Glan thompson Polarizer consists two same calcite prisms which are comented together. The extraordinary ray is transmitted, while ordinary ray is deflected and absorbed. Specifications: Material : a -BBO, Calcite Wavelength Range: a -BBO: 220-3500 nGlan thompson Polarizer consists two same calcite pri...

    • [棱镜] Wollaston Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:03点击:1281

      产品特点Wa llaston Polarizer can separate an incident beam into two rays: extraordinary and ordinary ray with a deviation angle which is dependent on wavelength. Both rays are transmitted through the other surface. Specifications: Material : a -BBO, Calcite.Wallaston Polarizer can separate an incident beam in...

    • [棱镜] Rochon Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:38:56点击:1041

      PolarizerPart No.Extinction RatioSeparation Angle(°)C.A. fa(mm)O.D.fd(mm)L±0.1(mm)RHP5-006<5x10-68.0-148@800nm  61515RHP5-008825.416RHP5-0101025.418RCP5-0151530232.Quartz Rochon PolarizerPart No.Extinction RatioSeparation Angle(°)C.A. fa(mm)O.D.fd(mm)L±0.1(mm)RHP8-006<4x10-61.0-1.51@980n...

    • [棱镜] Glan Taylor Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:38:50点击:931

      产品特点Glan Taylor Polarizer is a device that produces linearly polarized light from light of other states of polarization. Glan taylor Polarizer consists two calcite prisms which are separated by an air space. Glan taylor Polarizer will divide an entering unpolarized产品参数Specifications of Glan Taylo...

    • [光源] 40dB消光比偏振光源

      日期:2016-08-26 09:49:20点击:847


    • [其它生产测试] Agilent N7782B Benchtop PER-Analyzer

      日期:2016-03-29 09:44:37点击:1106

      Polarizers, PMF couplers, PMF splitters, etc. Characterization of PMF cross-couplingPolarization crosstalk in a PM fiber is measured and displayed as PERAgilent’s N7782B series of PER-Analyzers has been designed for high speed and highly accurate testing of the polarization extinction ratio (...

    • [光栅] 武汉易研光纤在线起偏器保偏光纤无源器件

      日期:2016-01-06 15:08:09点击:4743

        In-line Polarizer (ILP-1064nm) 在线起偏器In-line Polarizer(ILP-1064)   概述:武汉易研生产的保偏产品种类繁多,有起偏器,准直器,分路器,衰减器,分束器,隔离器,环形器,合束器,耦合器,旋转器,法拉第镜,波分复用器等等。波长范围从980nm到1550nm,按照客户要求还可以提供C-Band,L-Band等宽带器...