Technology with fast Fourier transform analysis. This results in the ability to measure the wavelength and power of up to 250 discrete optical signals. In addition, the 428&nb...
The Agilent / HP 81533A & 81533B interface modules operate with the 815xx optical head and 8153, 8163, and 8164 mainframes. Agilent Technologies does not publish specifications for the 81533A or 81533B interface modules as it must always operate with an optical head and mainframe.The 81533B module can be ...
Technologies does not publish specifications for the 81533A or 81533B interface modules as it must always operate with an optical head and mainframe. The 81533A module can be used with optical heads: 81521B and 81524A.Agilent 81536AThe HP 81536A optical power sensor module is designed for use in the HP lightw...
特 点: &...
SANTech PEM320 消光比测试仪 POLARIZATION EXTINTION RATIO METERDescription:The PEM-320 Polarization Extinction Ratio Meter provides accurate, real-time information about the polarization state of light in an optical fiber. It can be used as a general purpose measuring instrument but has been designed, in parti...
SANTech PEM320 消光比测试仪 POLARIZATION EXTINTION RATIO METERDescription:The PEM-320 Polarization Extinction Ratio Meter provides accurate, real-time information about the polarization state of light in an optical fiber. It can be used as a general purpose measuring instrument but has been designed, in parti...
NCT-500网络测试仪ShinewayTech NCT-500网络测试仪,功能涵盖了从ISO/OSI参考模型的物理层、链路层、网络层的多重检测功能。一机在手,即可以迅速定位网络故障并测定链路质量。功能特点: l 一键式双绞线/网络自动测试并生成报告 l 数字音频寻线 l 千兆双绞线满负荷负载测试 l 双绞线故障诊...
NCT-100网络线缆测试仪ShinewayTech NCT-100型多功能线缆测试仪套装能够帮助您在网络工程施工及维护过程中,快速查找网络线缆,快速定位故障点,并验证以太网电缆连通性。产品特点 l 音频寻线:支持4种音调变换,输出电平>=9Vp-p l 线缆标识(CableID): 标配个远端适配器 ,最...
XGT-200万兆以太网测试仪 XGT200是为下一代网络提供完整测试解决方案,具有多种功能的测试套件,为开通及验证网络性能的现场测试工具,支持10/100/1000Mb/s电接口、100/1000M SFP光接口和10Gbps SFP+光接口,能够产生以太网测试各种业务流量的生成以及数据的分析。能够提供以太网系统的安...
DTA-SDH/155 SDH/PDH传输分析仪 DTA-SDH/155传输分析仪是一款手持式、具有全中文图形化彩色界面的传输网络测试仪表,可广泛应用于SDH(155M)/ PDH(E1)数字传输网络的维护测试和性能分析。 · 适用于SDH/PDH网络,测试速率从2Mbps到155Mbps(STM-1),全面涵盖E1、STM-1光/电接口测试· 适用范围广:可用...