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首页 > 包含“wafer”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 6 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [光放大器] 见合八方 保偏1550nm蝶形SOA(G=35dB)

      日期:2024-03-11 10:37:35点击:1848

      产品特点具有高增益、低功耗、低偏振相关损耗、高输出光功率(25dBm)、高消光比等特点 支持温度监测和 TEC 热电控制,确保全温度工作范围稳定运行定制化服务:可支持保偏、集成隔离器、集成 PD 光功率监控等更高集成度的器件订制 产品应用应用于分布式光纤传感系统中,替代声光调制器产生脉冲光。&nbs...

    • [透镜] Plano Convex Lens - Fused Silica透镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:37:21点击:1447

      产品特点The Plano Convex Lenses are made from Fused Silica material. It presents a curved interface and a planar interface. They are for instance the microlenses situated on top of a wafer, but can also encountered in macroscopic optical systems. Their asymmetrical nature influences their properties of bendin...

    • [透镜] CaF2 Plano Convex Lens 红外透镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:37:11点击:1296

      产品特点The Plano Convex Lenses are made from CaF2 material. It presents a curved interface and a planar interface. They are for instance the microlenses situated on top of a wafer, but can also encountered in macroscopic optical systems. Their asymmetrical nature influences their properties of bending t...

    • [二极管] LT-TO31D-BC01 DFB Laser TOCAN(光纤在线)

      日期:2015-09-21 17:27:54点击:5540

      wafers that have been certified using a representative lot of devices that must achieve an acceptable yield for burn-in and other multi-temperature, CW and dynamic tests.FeaturesLow threshold currentHigh output powerTO-56 package with flat window, 2mm ballNear Circular beam patternLong history of proven field...

    • [光分路器/光耦合器] 韩国原装进口PLC晶圆

      日期:2014-09-17 16:32:34点击:3908

      ​ 自2009年起,我司就开始代理经销韩国进口的PLC光分路器用芯片,经过近四五年的不短努力,目前在行业内已赢得良好的口碑。目前是国内唯一一家专业代理韩国PLC芯片,PLC晶圆的厂家。型号齐全,交期稳定,质量可靠,服务一流。客户可指定或经我司推荐选用产品。若有需求,请联系索取规格书。1*2/1*3/1*4/1*6/1*8/1*12/1*16/...

    • [光分路器/光耦合器] 韩国FIRA原装进口(PLC wafer)PLC晶圆

      日期:2014-09-17 16:32:01点击:4055

      ​  我司是经韩国原厂授权的代理商,在行业内已赢得良好的口碑。型号齐全,交期稳定,质量可靠,服务一流。客户可指定或经我司推荐选用产品。若有需求,请联系索取规格书。 1*2/1*3/1*4/1*6/1*8/1*12/1*16/1*24/1*32/1*64/1*128/2*2/2*4/2*8/2*16/2*32 /2*64   特点   - 嵌入式石英玻璃光学...

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