The LitePoint® IQ2010™ is a comprehensive, one-box test solution for all your connectivity testing needs:
- WiFi, 802.11a/b/g/j/n and 802.11p
- Bluetooth, Classic (1.x, 2.x, 3.0) and Low Energy (4.0, 4.1)
- FM
- ZigBee
The IQ2010 dramatically streamlines the testing process for complex modules and devices:
- Single Insertion, Multi-Radio, Test Technology:
- > 20% time savings compared with multi-insertion methods due to reduced handling and the elimination of multiple device boot times
- Concurrent Testing of up to 3 standards:
- Up to 50% test time reduction in contrast to sequential approaches
- Proprietary Sequence-Based Test (SBT) methods minimize DUT control and response times