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Agilent 81002FF 积分球

发布时间:2013-11-15 信息有效期:3000天 浏览:1660举报
Agilent 81002FF 积分球
  • 信息分类:生产测试 - 其它生产测试
  • 所在区域:广东省 - 深圳市
  • 有效日期:3000天
  • 信息类型:产品信息

Agilent 81002FF 积分球


The Agilent 81002 FF Integrating Sphere is an accessory for the

Agilent 8163A Lightwave Multimeter, Agilent 8163A Lightwave

Measurement System, Agilent 8166A Lightwave Multichannel System,

and the HP 8153A Lightwave Multimeter. It can be used with all Agilent

Technology Optical Heads and all HP Optical Heads.

The Integrating Sphere is compatible with all connector adapters and

bare fiber adapters Agilent 81000xx, which can be used with these

optical heads.


Connections to the Agilent 81002 FF Integrating Sphere

The Agilent 81002 FF Integrating Sphere has three main advantages, it

allows measurements with:

• high optical power levels,

• large emission sources, either widely diverging point sources (high

numerical aperture (NA)) or light sources with large beam diameters,

• polarized optical sources; it scrambles the input polarization.

The Agilent 81002 FF Integrating Sphere allows the measurement of high

optical power levels up to 10 W (+40 dBm) due to its typical optical

attenuation of 40 dB. The optical loss of the integrating sphere shifts the

dynamic range of a connected optical head by +40 dB to higher power


关键字81002FF 81002FF 81002FF
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