波长8-12um透过率>95%气密性1*10-9ATM CC-SEC按照MIL-STD-883标准10149外层最少有1.50微米的金电解镀层;内层2-3微米的镍的电解镀层。窗口表面质量40-20S&D...
—— 主要特点 ——l 全新的马达驱动程序,使机器更快更稳定l 8秒快速熔接,40秒加热,全世界最快的熔接机l 体积小,重量轻,工程携带极为方便l 系统自检功能,确保熔接机随时处于最佳工作状态l 5英寸彩色LCD显示屏,放大光纤256倍l 三维图像处理功能,可同时观测X轴、Y轴方向l 暂停功...
波长8-12um透过率>95%气密性1*10-9ATM CC-SEC按照MIL-STD-883标准10149外层最少有1.50微米的金电解镀层;内层2-3微米的镍的电解镀层。窗口表面质量40-20S&D...
2um,SM_SM,DS_DS,NZ_NZ,G657A,G657B,Quick等) 光纤对准方式 四马达可调芯包层对准 典型熔接损耗 SM:0.02dB/MM:0.01dB/DS/:0.04dB/NZDS0.04dB/G.657:0... ...
Description: The 2 μm Filter Wavelength Division Multiplexer series is based on environmentally stable thin-film filter technology. The devices combine or separate light at different ...
Description: The 2 μm Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter is a compact high performance lightwave component that combines two orthogonal polarization signals into one output fiber. ...
Description: The 2 m Inline Polarizer is designed to pass light with one specific polarization while blocking the other polarization. It can be used to convert u...
Description: The 2um Fiber Pigtailed Photodiode is a coaxial package photoelectrical component. It features high responsivity, low dark current and good temperature performance over&nb...
2um 角度 0.02deg 稳定性 曲率半径(ROC) 0.5mm 光纤高度(Fiber Height) 12um 顶点偏移(Apex Offset) 5um 角度 0.03deg 工作温度 -10℃~30℃ 物镜放大倍率 10X 分辨率 1um 光源波长 650nm 电源 12V DC 尺寸 长440 X 宽 225 X 高...